Defending Russia by trying to point out racism in other countries?

"Bold move Cotton, let's see if it works out."

Also, what you're describing is actually Jingoism, not Racism.

But I get it, hard when English isn't your first language.

Wow, such historical revionism. I hope you're getting paid for this.

So, when the Ukranian population got fed up with their corrupt Russian puppet of a President when he refused to sign the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, which the Ukrainian Parliament had voted for with a large majority.

Protestors demanded the removal of Yanukovych cause he would instead allign the nation more with Russia (not as good for the people, but great for oligarchs who could keep defrauding the country like they had been for decades).

After Yanukovych agreed to step down and fled the country, Russians illegally invaded and annexed Crimea and started a proxy war using paramilitary organizations to start a civil war in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Eventually they invaded after Western nations warned about troop build-ups while the Kremlin kept denying that they were going to invade.

This war is not due to NATO expansion, it's due to Russia's influence backsliding further because of it's economic decline when compared to other potential trade partners for Eastern european nations like the EU.

It's hard for these nations to not look at countries like Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and seeing the progress they've seen because of their increased cooperation with the EU.

Trying to pretend Russia is the victim here and not an expansionist, brutal, Imperialistic aggressor is incredibly disingenuous.

Think we can spend another 4 years going in the wrong direction with climate change? Do you think Russia being able to annex Ukraine is a good thing?

Some people don't realize how precarious our situation is at the moment.

Concert lasers pointed straight at your eyes for extended periods?

That would definitely damage your retina's.

Enjoy posting lies?

If you're talking about Ashli Babbitt, she was shot while trying to breach a barricade that was the last line of defence before the mob would get to some members of Congress. She was warned multiple times by a federal agent with a gun drawn while trespassing in a government building, as part of a mob of thousands.

What would've been the correct response?

If I was breaking through your home window while you had a gun drawn and warned me to stop, would you shoot me if I kept coming?

Show me that info, show me this secret darkweb sources you're talking about. Stop obfuscating everything by claiming vague concepts and imaginary communists boogeymen.

You're talking to someone who has been browsing independent reporting, messageboards and chatrooms for over 2 decades.

I know a bunch of 4chan dweebs have tricked people into some Q Anon bullcrap and Russian intelligence services have capitalised on unrestricted social media access and anonymity by injecting bullshit and division in the US society.

Show me.

Hoe anders de kiezer bang maken om op je te stemmen als de rest van je partijprogramma zo weinig inhoud heeft?

Als die persoon professioneel is en niets doet dat een cisgendered vrouwelijke chiroleider niet zou doen, zie ik daar geen probleem mee. Waarom jij wel?

Heb je dezelfde mening als die andere chiroleider hetero of lesbisch is?

Kunnen we niet akkoord gaan dat een chiroleiders geslacht/gender/geaardheid niet zou mogen uitmaken om te beslissen wat correct toezicht van minderjarigen inhoudt?

Ja, want anders kunnen die mensen niet plassen natuurlijk. Wat een belachelijke opmerking.


Ze zijn gewoon alt-right standpunten en 'wedge issues' aan het kopiëren uit de VS omdat ze weten dat die goed spelen bij hun publiek.

Abortus verbieden, rechten van LGTBQ+ mensen afnemen, mensen bang maken met hypothetische griezelverhalen over Transgender mensen of immigranten.

Angst aan woekeren om met populistische, niet doordachte partijprogramma's macht proberen te pakken.

En dan waarschijnlijk nog genoeg buitenlands geld krijgen van facties die baten bij een verdeeld België (en Europa).

I didn't expect it to count over 70 million Americans.

There's few open societies with free access to information on the planet where so many people are so confidently wrong.

I know we have dumbasses in Europe too, but holy shit. Some reporting estimates as much as 10 percent of Americans believe the world is flat.

Like what in the actual fuck?

Imagine being so dumb that you don't realize that mail in votes, which would be counted latest would heavily favour Biden since Trump made it a wedge issue (after having done it plenty of times in the past).

And then trying to point to it as proof of fraud.

The world doesn't stop when you go to sleep, these poll workers put so many hours in, making sure you guys have free and open elections and then crybabies like you make up bullshit cause you didn't win. Funnily enough, all the republican politicians getting elected on the same so called 'fraudulent ballots' didn't debate their own vote numbers.

Also, not even in 2016 did Trump win by a landslide. The numbers tell a very different tale.

Don't you get tired of being wrong?

They're fully brainwashed into believing all kinds of right wing bullshit. Spouting lies in this thread non stop. Too bad they haven't actually 'done their own research', but rather follow some alt right talking heads on OANN, TruthSocial or some other disinformation echo chamber.

Biden turned over all classified documents immediately when they were found (and they were clearly forgotten). Meanwhile Trump tried to resist having to return tens of boxes of classified documents after being ordered to do so. And has been recorded trying to profit off giving access to these documents to those without security clearance.

How the hell are you not outraged because of that?

They found boxes in his bedroom after they had to raid his compound to retrieve the ones in his bathroom.

Do you not understand the simple difference between those two?

And stop pretending this is the only criminal case against Trump right now, the man has broken the law over and over (and has been his whole life). Shaking my head that you would defend such a dishonest fraud after what he has done to the people in the US.

What does that mean exactly? Can you specify when America was Great and when it stopped being Great? Also what specifically made it no longer great? And what needs to happen to make it great again?


See, as European, this and the NATO abandonment stuff are what scare the shit out of me.

If the US abandons climate change initiatives and let's businesses do whatever they want by limiting EPA and other regulatory organisations, the planet is doomed.

We might already be, but could maybe pull out of a staggering nosedive just above the ground over the next 50 years if we as a species realize the danger we are in.

[PC] - [TobiasRieper]

I heard this GIF.

The way you're applying it to this comparison.

Since you're using it to attack 'white liberals' who, according to you, don't really want to help other people, but are secretly poisoning them?

I'll give you another hypothetical.

Let's say you're a gay man. Would you prefer to live in the US, where some bigots would pretend to be okay with you, even claiming to be your friend, but secretly despise you, vote against your interest and badmouth you when they're with their other bigoted friends?

Or would you want to live in Afghanistan, where they openly despise gay people and would torture and kill you if they found out that you are gay?

A traitorous friend seems better than a known enemy in that case, right?

But I don't think I'll accomplish anything by debating this with you. Your post history clearly shows that you're a rude troll.

This whole war is caused by Ukrainians wanted to get out of the corrupt Russian puppet status that they've been in for far too long.

Do you know about Euromaidan?