Wouldn't someone who believes Republicans will cause the end of the world be a left-winger?

Like this is something new? There are already routers that you could set up a VPN on. And more than just NordVPN. They've been available for years.

Why? Nobody else does. It's called income tax, not net worth tax. I don't know who this Anya person is but she's an idiot. Most people pay 13.3% in state taxes? That doesn't include sales tax and property tax. And depends on what state you live in. I live in Texas, no state income tax. Alaska, no state income tax. Florida, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, Wyoming. All no income tax. But even Elon pays state taxes like sales tax and property tax

Haven't you heard, that's one of the President's duties! So according to the Supreme Court it's all good.

Not the first time Amazon has dropped a product shortly after launch.

Not at all. Could care less is so vague that it can mean that you care a lot. It could mean that you care so much you couldn't possibly care more. It doesn't imply anything. It's a pointless statement.

That's fine. The moment they do that to me they will lose me as a customer. I will never pay for ads. And I have no desire to pay more for Netflix than I do now. I can live without it. There are several channels available free with ads. And of course there are always torrents.

Nunya. As in nunya business. Ask them when they last masturbated. It's just as personal a question.

Obergefell was a court case. Respect for Marriage was a law passed by Congress and signed by the President. It would have to be overturned by Congress and the President, and then SCOTUS would have to overturn their decision on gay marriage. SCOTUS can't overturn something Congress and the President have passed.

Thought about it for years, unfortunately most other countries don't want poor people with disabilities.

Maybe there's something wrong with your nose? I don't like the smell or taste of coffee. Never have.

They also believe in an invisible alien who watches and listens to every person on the planet all the time and controls their lives. They're not playing with a full deck.

Who knows? Marjorie is nuts. You can't take anything she says seriously.

There's no bipartisan consensus on anything any more.

Forget hiding from them. If it happens I'll find get some guns and take out a bunch of them before they get me. I'm in Texas, we've got plenty of guns here.

I'm surprised they didn't threaten to quit doing business in the state. That's what they did when they raised the wages in Minneapolis.

I didn't call anyone the winner. As far as I'm concerned everybody lost.

Mostly metals like plutonium or uranium or thallium. Just a tiny amount will kill you. Thallium is the most dangerous one that isn't radioactive.

Some sit-down toilets have sensors as well that automatically flush it after you stand up. But yeah, flush and thoroughly wash. That's why they have sinks with soap. Although I do verify the soap situation before I go in, because sometimes they run out.

I wouldn't even use the ATM with that guy sitting there. Of course I don't use cash so I don't use ATMs in general.

Condoms can fail even if they don't come off or break. I've heard of pregnancies where the guy was wearing a condom and the girl was on birth control. Unfortunately there is no such thing as a foolproof method. However, since that Bachelor guy in Arizona just won a court case against a woman who falsely claimed she was pregnant with his baby, it's not unreasonable to ask for proof.

And to see the future the right wants just look up the painting "American Gothic".

Assumi they're as intelligent as humans, because they're idiots with a lot of resources and not enough brains. And because they can't figure out how to travel far enough to get to another habitable planet within a reasonable amount of time.

Except there's going to be another debate. So there will be another chance for everyone to panic.