Same. I'd rather buy a couple bonds and buy some planks or bones or whatever, instead of grinding for a couple weeks to get to the same point.

So what you're saying is she's the republican version of AOC. Got it.

Of course it's not gonna max your house. Construction is expensive af. But if I got a free 10 mil it would definitely help.

I'd put it into construction/ house. One of the best qol upgrades in the game.

While I was working the cashier cage at a small casino in Colorado, a guy laid three pennies and a small screw on the counter and asked if he could get a nickel.

Everyone knows you can only create and control hurricanes with offshore wind turbines, duh. What was this guy thinking?

It's gone down like 2%. I'm only up 798% instead of 800 since spring of 2021. I better sell it all. /s

Why would Fox News teach math? 🤔 Last time I checked no news station taught math. Your comment is almost as dumb as this person.

Would buying chips at the casino count? Bet it all on black. Cash in if you win, come back the next day and do it again.

So what I need is a bot that will pk bots. Got it.

Play and learn. Down the road once your a bit more comfortable, use runelite. Many nice qol features.

If you do Grand Canyon, I would definitely suggest the north rim. Same great views, a bit cooler because of a higher elevation, and far less tourists.

I love world of tanks. Still takes skill but you don't need the super reflexes. Added bonus, it's free.

Go to the north rim of the grand canyon. Way fewer tourists.