Something isn't "junk" just because it is used slightly.

Even if something is more than "slightly" used, even well used items of certain brands can be better quality than brand new of others.

For a second I forgot the new level was 100 and I was real impressed with no-lifing in the last week.

If the ex display fridge isn't a samsung, how it is horribly flawed?

I won't buy an iphone. I will buy a (non samsung) android.
I will buy almost anything second hand or ex-display.

That isn't inconsistent because they're two different things. The person you are responding to doesn't have flawed logic. You are the only one equating two different things,.

I had a 5 min wait on the lvl 91 dungoen on my tank - I was a bit annoyed cause I usually queue healer.

I now see I was completely unreasonable in my annoyance.

They gave you another option. On you if you choose not to use it.

There is only so much they can do. They've done plenty to address this - the simple fact that there is really only one place facing a problem shows that. Its up to you to take advantage of the options they've given you.

Wifey may be redoing my outdoor area... will give her a chance to finish msq then we need to find room for this

I just assumed last night they were using the right code but the other replier was correct. They were using the new code not the pre order code

I've passed it on and you are right. You have 2 grateful players.

They can't actually.

I've got friends who forgot to register their early access key. The option is now turned off til the 2nd. People either have it, or they wait for the 2nd.

No, they can't.

I've got friends who bought the game for early access but forgot to register their key.

They're locked out of DT til the 2nd. The option is turned off til then.

I have an incredibly easy cat to train. I've never heard of a cat as easy to train as mine.

She chooses where her litter is. That is one thing that is really hard to train on.

put a cat door in.

They can go in internal doors. I put my cats litter in an unused bathroom. She has all the privacy she needs because I keep the door closed and gave her a cat door.

If its a rental, internal doors are cheap. Buy your own and replace the rental then when they complain, show the actual door stored in the garage so you can return it when you leave. If you own... well, just put in a cat door.

Had less than a minute on both OCE (ok, not surprising) and JP (surprising), both during peak times.

They've done a much better job.

I wanted to dye 3 pieces. First... brilliant. Everything I wanted. First one I looked at and gave me so much hope.
Second... one dye.... ok.. I can live with that piece. It's probably coming.

Third piece... the clip? It's the f'in clip? Why the hell would I want to dye the clip?

I logged into JP in peak hours. 1 min. It wasn't the first hour but still still very much peak. Hopefully it's the same for you.

I did 6.55 last weekend and I am kinda glad for the same reason. Exactly the feeling I had.

Seen reports from every area where after the initial influx at launch time, queues dropped to below a 100.

OCE: 1 min on launch... 1 min the rest of the night. ok friends got up to 5 min, but it was fast.
JP: Didn't log in on launch but 3 hours after launch (so still very much peak hour for JP)... 1 min.

Don't have any characters on US but friends who do told me it was about 1000 on launch and basically went to 40 or so within an hour.

Square has managed this expac so much better than Endwalker.

I was going female roth. One week, after msq. Buy a second fanta to go back.

Then I logged in and my lala has a balloon for a face and even less of a chin.

I am using it for a chin.

I get annoyed if they don't pull. Pull the damn mobs. It's faster and I'm lazy.

Could he be lying to me? Sure... it just doesn't make sense though because it's not the story one would give if he was been the arse. He didn't even reach out to me to complain about them. He reached out because he was upset that he isn't good enough for max level content and he was really excited to do it. He was disappointed in himself because he is really trying and even trying his best he is not good enough to do the content. He even defended them. That just isn't where someone goes if they are getting kicked for having a bad attitude.

They basically said one line on what they thought he did wrong, said sorry and then kick. Didn't even have the chance to respond. Is it the norm to be kicked this way? No, but I assume given how quickly it went through it was probably a premade because I don't think it'd get through if it wasn't. There is plenty of history of pre-mades behaving this way. Not the majority, but it certainly happens then sometimes. I believe him though because of how he explained it to me and what his take away was.


I'm trying to talk a friend into not giving up on current content because they got kicked from a Dead Ends today. They got to 90 just a few weeks ago. I almost got excited that maybe this was it and I could see what happened. One wipe as a tank and they were abused and kicked. They're not the greatest but I've healed them as a tank and they're better a lot of the dregs we're having at the moment.

Not a door dasher.. not sure why this popped up for me but...

you did good. Hell no to entering. If you are in the states, wouldn't even do it if you were a 6 foot 5, conan lookalike. They could have always a gun.

Just no.

I'd agree having your car stolen is worse than parse shaming but the words I use were "sustained harassment, potentially by multiple people" is worse than having your car stolen.

The person you are replying to highlighted "while being given complete free reign to do as they please with that information" - which is linking into in game harassment not just laughing at people here. So I referred to what they actually stated, rather than the comparison you made, where you completely downplayed their point.

I stand by the statement that sustained harassment is worse than having ones car stolen. I've had my car stolen. I called the cops, then my insurance company and then I bought a new car. It really isn't a big deal.

There is no positive ever for someone who is the victim of sustained harassment.

Ah my apologies. No I did not. I thought you were getting snarky for some reason.

Hmm... it's 11.45 pm. If I'm reading snark where it isn't, I might need to go put myself to bed before I get snarky with others unjustifiably.