I wouldn't say I have a crush, but my neurologist is legit the nicest guy!

I can feel the relief emanating from this photo. I'm so glad you found her 💓

If you can't see a neurologist right away, try to see an optometrist to rule out any eye issues (like retinal detachment)

My old girl loved to use an empty pizza box as a bed. She was spoiled with luxurious bed options, but a pizza box won every time. It's the simple things in life, really

Do you have an ice pack/ice cap from Amazon/frozen bag of peas? If I'm heading into an episode without any meds, ice is my first go-to. It may provide a little relief but won't work miracles.

Oh man, me neither. That's a recipe for disaster

Maybe casual with housekeeping at the hospital? You might not get short evening shifts, but they likely need weekend coverage. Try getting your foot in the door with that employer and union.

Haha, from what I can tell, that is the whole point of this platform

I just really like the feeling of getting into a bed that has been made, rather than climbing into a bed with sheets and blankets all in a jumble. That's my motivation.

It's about giving other people the correct information mostly. It doesn't help anyone if people from Toronto chime in on this sub to give incorrect info. Poking at him is just fun in my downtime.

I'm off to live my real life. I'm really sad for you. Good day sir.

Oh my goodness, isn't this over yet?

Let's review.

You gave incorrect information. I corrected you. You pushed, and I said we can agree to disagree. Why didn't you end it there? I provided more information and said I would follow up to show the correct info. Still, you pushed. Another commenter responded to the way you were behaving and then you said it didn't matter if you were right or wrong, that you had moved on and then made a comment about the commenter's brain energy be wasted trying to show you that you were wrong. Where in that whole scenario did you NOT show me that you can't accept when you are wrong? I responded to the commenter you disparaged and then you came back AGAIN. I ended the conversation with "have the day you deserve" and you come back AGAIN. I will judge you until the cows come home son.

I don't always, no. That's how I missed the comment from which I drew conclusions about your character the first time and thought you deleted it.

Did you miss that I edited my above comment after you corrected me, like maybe 10 minutes ago? Seriously dude

Nah, I'm seeing a friend this afternoon and going to a cookout tonight. Have the day you deserve!

It would seem that you deleted the comment the above person was responding to, the one where you said you had moved on whether you were right or wrong and then disparaged the poster. Classy. It was from that comment that I drew my conclusion.

Edit. Ah, I see the comment I was referring to now.

He doesn't strike me as the type of well-adjusted human that would admit when he is wrong. That's why it is so fun to show him on a public forum that he is!


For anyone saying the map isn't all red in the morning, here ya go. Looking at you u/so-much-wow


This morning at 8:54am.

ETA: People of the jury, I rest my case.


These are the current burning restrictions in Nova Scotia.

I'm playing the long game to prove you wrong.

ETA: See you tomorrow!