Idiocracy, Speed Racer, Grindhouse, Synecdoche and Walk Hard all leap to mind. Also caught Napoleon Dynamite on it's initial run but that wasn't disastrous, just small.

No one's dead like Gaston

No one's bled like Gaston

No one's lit fireworks on their head like Gaston...

I remember visiting my grandma late in life and there being a point where she just wasn't reliably all there anymore. Still enjoyed spending time with her while I could, still had moments of lucidity and memory, but there'd also be moments that left us thinking "she needs to be in a low-stress environment where she's got access to 24/7 care."

Biden, who I was fully on board with post-SOTU, appeared closer to that point last night than I feel comfortable with. Few things can torch a legacy faster than not knowing to quit while you're ahead.

Easy enough to break down. Trudeau holding his seat is probably a 95% probability, staying on as leader around 80%, LPC having the 2nd most seats after the next election is 80%, and holding the CPC to a minority of seats 25%. Compound those probabilities and you get about a 15% chance. I wouldn't say it's likely, but if someone offered me a 10/1 payout, I'd put down $5 on a lark.

The biggest obstacle to the outcome (one you don't mention) is how does the CPC get the confidence of the house if they don't hold a majority of seats. I'm not sure how you get from the status quo to a scenario where the NDP or Bloc chooses to back Poilievre as PM over Trudeau.

A lot more than 1% of Canadians have fully paid off homes, and they are not worse off than they were 10 years ago.

This is not the guy who gave the State of the Union a few months ago.

Full interview looks to be dropping at 8:30 but the clips so far do not look good. No pleasure in saying that. It's just... not enough, and I was inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. If this was deliberate to tee up a gracious exit I respect it. It's not up to what the moment demanded of him.

My simplest electoral math is: Biden's 2020 support + Haley voters (who clearly aren't afraid of a woman president) = Enough. I think a Harris/Whitmer ticket that's a little more strident on women's rights and otherwise just carrying on Biden's approach with a green transition and tons of infrastructure investment... that's pretty compelling. We'll see.

I tend not to engage in victim blaming, but the white woman who votes Trump because she doesn't like Harris, if that's how the choice comes down... that woman deserves every second of abuse she experiences for the rest of her life. Even now there's no shortage of stories of pick me tradwife wannabes who ran away once they realized their partners never respected them. Check how Lauren Southern's doing these days.

If Trump wasn’t a known quantity, and if scotus hadn’t just given him a potential pass to do whatever he wants, I would agree, but I think the stakes are high enough to override casual sexism for a plurality of voters. You’ll lose some, but it’s not like you’re gonna struggle to pick up Haley supporters.

You don't think that ticket picks up Haley voters? There's a huge number of reflexively bigoted folks who won't vote for a woman, but they're not a majority. Harris/Whitmer, when the stakes are a lot clearer than they were in 2016, I think can win. No one's saying "he'll grow into the responsibilities of the office" this time.

Glen Powell’s cooking videos are really good!

Absolute ripper of an Althea last night.

Newsom’s never been in a national primary at all. The need right now is for someone who reassures voters that to vote Dem this fall is to more or less continue the Biden agenda - it’s a totally different ballgame from “who can best beat Trump?” before the 2020 campaign. The goal is not to win Trump voters, it’s to reassure Haley voters, and there is no better continuity candidate for that mission than the current VP.

Kill absolutely fuckin’ rips. Lakshya deserves to be a star. The title card drop is obscene. Comparisons to The Raid are deserved (though I’d put it a notch or two lower, it’s that ballpark we’re playing in).

No way to pass over Harris on the way to Newsom, and no way Harris picks a VP from the same state. If the attitude is truly “all hands on deck we gotta save democracy and fuck indulging our egos in the short term” we’ll end up with Kamala/Someone from the Midwest and a commitment to a clean primary in ‘28.

Putting a note in their mailbox saying “yo dude, I get it, but you seriously gotta vote to make sure Trump doesn’t completely fuck things up” would accomplish a lot more than posting this to Reddit.

Wasn’t that different in the early 2000s. Best gigs I got were phone work (good skill to have later in life) and landscaping (got in shape, got a tan, learned a ton), but there were summers where I wouldn’t land a gig until late July.

Bingo. Gotta put on a unified face while you figure out the logistics of a smooth transition. If the argument you’re trying to make to the electorate is “Trump = Chaos” you gotta be able to demonstrate you can make a handoff. And that takes time… but it doesn’t take more than a month.

I’m pretty sure the involved parties understand all this - they’re not idiots and they understand the stakes.

It’s a team of people, same as any administration, and the team Biden hired has been doing a pretty damn good job.

Drinking in the high roller room at 4am because it was the only bar still open, and I couldn’t sleep before my flight at 8. Had $500 in my pocket I didn’t care about much, put it down on the roulette table, my 4 lucky numbers with an equal amount in red/black as a hedge.

Hit twice in three spins and ended up with $2500. Tipped the dealer (?) $100, my bartender $100, had a double of some really expensive booze, and crashed.