Am I the only player that actually plays normally like the game intended it's not that hard everyone else just seems to cheat at everything

I'd argue it's an average fight and it's not as unfair as people make out

I've played most rogue like games they all fall off pretty quick for me dead cells got boring really quick enter the gungeon was fun for a while hades was excellent but after getting the platinum kind of no need to play it tboi get dead god after 1200 hours then start again no 2 runs are ever the same min maxing early floors is addictive as fuck the amount of shit I still don't know about the game should be illegal it's the gift that keeps on giving and probably the best game in its genre

What's wrong with your brain? #1

I remember seeing some stuff like this on YouTube turns out he was cheating all along this is just ridiculous

What happens next what were they telling them?

Wtf is that weapon some sort of schimitar on a stick looks cool.

I like how you initially missed the key skill issue!

It's trying to gain he's trust so it can snap he's neck!

It's trying to gain he's trust so it can snap he's neck!

Why do you keep running from left to right and getting hit?