Has she had her thyroid checked? Fatigue and weight gain are symptoms of thyroid disorder.

Yeah these type of hypotheticals should be opportunities to build your connection with your partner, not destroy it.

Also deed doesn’t equal mortgage. Husband inherited our home. When we refinanced, we added me to the deed. I was having a credit dispute. So my credit wasn’t great. He was the only one on the mortgage. OP, you’re being lied to. You don’t have to be on the mortgage to be on the deed.

Omg you and the girlfriend need to lighten up. If she’s so embarrassed by him why is she with him? What is so embarrassing about I funny bathing suit?

Also, she is no saint here. He “can’t be trusted to communicate a dress code???” He politely” tried to inform her *accurately about a dress code and she chewed him out.

She spent too much time on Reddit worrying about him policing her clothes (when he wasnt), then she goes and tries to police his clothes!

If she wanted to not be the AH here she could have communicated with him appropriately. Instead of saying “it’s different!” And then sulking all day and expecting an apology, she should have said “I’m sorry, I was wrong the day of the wedding event. You weren’t trying to police my clothes and I shouldn’t have gotten angry. However, the speedo really bothers me. I know I have no right to tell you what you can and cannot wear, but if you wear it, I will feel uncomfortable. Would you consider wearing something else?”

Yes, but only because the idea of him getting pulled over and searching for his wallet has me in stitches.

Wait, isn’t that what she asked? That he not go while she’s nursing? I mean, you can’t tell someone they can’t use the bathroom for hours but is it so much to ask for him to look and see if she’s nursing if say “I gotta go, is now a good time?” If he can’t hold it for 5-10 minutes he really does need a doctor.

If this is real, he raised this child for 2 years, he may not want his name off the birth certificate. As an adoptee with a stepdaughter I love like my own, blood relation doesn’t always matter.

OP none of this is that poor baby’s fault. You are and have been his dad for 2 years, he knows nothing else and will be devastated if you abandon him.

Confront, and even divorce, your wife, but that baby is your son whether you share genes or not.

They say “our pool” but I see what you mean, the context sounds like it could be a community pool. I still stand by my opinion that if your kids have frequent access to a pool swim lessons (meaning for survival purposes, not competition swim like stokes) should start early. My point was directed at the idea the older kid would resent the younger siblings playing, in my opinion they should all be getting lessons.

But, yes, I also agree play time should still happen. In fact I’d argue playtime is how we learn to master the skills learned during the lesson. I just taught my youngest to swim. He’s not strong yet. We aren’t working on technique so to speak. Just stating nice water and swimming to the edge. We are “playing” so he can practice and become better while he enjoys himself doing it.

I don’t want to tell anyone how to parent but Im going to. The 3 year olds should be the ones in swim lessons. Waiting until your kid is 5 to teach them to swim when you have a pool is bad parenting and downright dangerous. So is taking all the fun out of swimming and punishing the kid for not learning fast enough. Sorry not sorry.

Ok so I don’t understand why you aren’t allowed to nurse there so NTA but you are also being a little dramatic.

The reception is what 3-4 hours? How many feedings could that possibly be for a 3 month old? Like 2? I’ve had 2 kids and nursed both. You have plenty of time to pump 2-3 bottles worth ahead of time. And not nursing (I mean feed baby a bottle and don’t bother pumping) for a few hours is not going to slow down your production in the least. I’m sorry, that is just not accurate. That’s not how breastfeeding works, you’d have to not nurse consistently, a few hours is not gonna do it.

Also, 3-4 hours is not going to make your boobs explode 3 months post birth (maybe 3 weeks would hurt a little but not at 3 months) and you’re worried about that pump right before the reception.

I took my baby to Disney world at this age and my husband fed him formula while I was on rides with the other kid multiple times a day for over a week. I didn’t bother pumping and my boobs were fine and so was my production. I know everyone is a bit different but seriously it’s 3 hours you will be fine.

INFO: do you have a cooler? You can’t leave cooked food like that out for 6 hours unrefrigerated, I hope you don’t do that at home.

This is it. It sits wrong with you OP because it’s kinda deceitful. “Ooohhhh I’m taking you to this super fancy restaurant and giving you a taste of the good life to celebrate your accomplishment”…you get all excited anticipating a fancy dinner, then get there and …”oh, btw, we can only order from this limited menu with 2 choices because you’re not worth the extra $20, surprise!”

If he’d said “I want to take you to ‘fancy restaurant’ I know it’s pretty pricey but I saw they have a set menu that sounds good to me, what do you think?” Would have been fine, but that’s not what he did.

My ex boyfriend got internet ordained and married us (he also was the one who introduced us and was both our friend and it was a mutual decision) but walking me down the aisle and giving me away? That’d be weird. With my dad gone that job went to my godfather/uncle. Had my mom been alive it would’ve been her. Yeah this is too weird.

Why did I have to scroll so far!?!?!? The middle name needs to be “wait-for-it.”

It’s sweet you dud this, it’s a fine idea, but it is in no way mainstream of common. I think that’s the point everyone is making.

We didn’t get gifts for my stepdaughter when my oldest so was born. We didn’t get gift for either of them when my next son was born.

My kids were old enough to know the baby didn’t get them a gift. It’s a good idea if you think the older kid may feel a bit jealous or left out with the baby getting gifts/attention but it by no means is an expected thing. The ex wife created this problem by going way overboard with it, in my opinion.

So, hear me out, does he have a favorite pair of sweatpants you could borrow?

We picked up a free hot tub online and paid a repair guy to fix it (hadn’t been properly winterized). I think it was like 800 bucks. Not bad for a 5 year old model that was originally $8500. Works great 3 years later.

True, and I think that coral one would look so nice with this!

I think this depends on region/culture/religion. Catholic in the northeast US this is perfectly acceptable for church as-is.

Yes OMG my husband and I have been married for over 10 years and known best friends over 20. He’s actually an amazing gift-giver. He’s my person and we spend insane amounts of time together. We are seriously codependent. But jewelry? He’d have no clue at all. It’s not that he doesn’t pay attention. It’s that he doesn’t understand jewelry. The fact some people prefer silver over gold would be absolutely freaking lost on him. He wouldn’t even think to consider it. He’d pick something he thought was beautiful. He’d choose something with my design style (simple, classic, symmetrical) but it literal wouldn’t occur to him to check if I had more gold or silver in my jewelry box.

If this is even real, which it is not, no one is this rude to their significant other after such an expensive purchase when they are clearly not in the best financial place for it, this person is a huge AH.