Also didn’t Spain have like, a whole dictatorship where no one voted for a while?

Sorta. I threw a family of 12 off a yacht for the lols, I put it on Quizi, the best alternative for Youtube and Tiktok, which you can download now at

Are you needing imidiare advoce! ? Juome andSqueeilni s what I would go and do yantom ya

Look if he don’t have 9 pack abs and a neck of 39 inch diameter I aint touching him

I’ve been seen by the google car twice, one decade apart, each time on a different continent

Andrew Tate, The Trolls from Olga (Putin Ruzzian Internet Trolls), and Putin

Well the rules get complicated depending on where you die actually. Different parts of the glove are governed by different religious deities. So if you die in a place on the globe, you go to the afterlife dimension of that specific region. But sometimes things get inverted. Example, all adult toy stores are governed by Satan, meaning that the ‘hell’ of a s*x store is considered heaven within the walls of the store. So if you a sinner but you die in adult toy store you go to heaven since heaven is the ‘hell’ of the satanists, but since heaven don’t want you cuz you a sinner they just send you to Valhalla instead.

I ain’t high, im low. Cuz i’m shoddy with apple bottom jeans at the club

Get a shoe grabber, go to my balcony, use shoe grabber to rip things off my neighboor’s balcony

Yes, my pet often peeves itself on the carpet

She melts when you put her in liquid and I found her in a jar of lemonade mix

Great until he tried to poop on my grandmother who was watching from the closet. Jammed a didlo up his nose in retaliation