Big time NTA. This whole situation sucks and unfortunately a child has to suffer because of it. You have every right to exit all of their lives and never speak to them again. It sucks for the kid, but he's young and as long as the parents don't make the situation worse he should get over it pretty quickly.

That's a stupid commute. I did Patterson to Oakland back in 2009. I can only imagine how much worse traffic is now. I'd rather live under an overpass than do that again.

Anything that benefits the average person and doesn't make someone else rich in the process is considered communism in this hell hole.

Found this post because the same exact thing just happened to my mom. She's on AT&T and I'm adding her to my T-Mobile account. We tried to get the PIN through her account online but the option wasn't available. When she called the first time she got a very rude person on the phone who was upset that she hadn't tried to get a better deal from them before switching. She told my mom she couldn't give her the PIN and the only way for her to get it was online. She called T-Mobile back and they called AT&T together. They gave the PIN right away. Maybe they get some sort of demerit every time someone calls for a PIN and they aren't able to retain them as a customer. Who knows.

I'm don't know if there's a formal probation period. I missed one day in my first 90, but I know people that missed a lot more. Enforcement of attendance with Delta varies greatly from station to station.

Yeah, I'm confused about the "on again, off again" relationship but they live together and she expects him to propose.

Most common times to hire are leading up to summer and the holiday season. If you're near any large airport the turnover is probably high enough that at least one airline is going to be hiring at any given time.

I got a nice, small couch with a chaise on one end. The only reason I bought it is because it came in two pieces small enough to fit up the tiny stairway in my apartment. It pulls out to make a full size bed and so far it's been great.

You preface the story with an anecdote about her being a difficult person, but it's not really relevant to your story because she wasn't being difficult.

She's been in bed all day, obviously because she's tired or not feeling well. You cooked food she doesn't like then offer her only one specific thing. If she's that tired or not feeling well you should have checked on her as soon as you got home and offered to get her anything she wanted not just one specific thing you assumed she'd want.


You don't enable jealousy by giving up your privacy. Just because you aren't doing anything wrong doesn't mean your spouse needs to know every single thing that you do and every inconsequential conversation that you have.

His wife already has unreasonable demands that he doesn't speak to any other women. Who does that? Total psychos, that's who.

OP's wife needs to get some help for her insecurities.

You absolutely need to set your own boundaries. I know someone who married into a family with many "troubles". Their problems became his problems because his wife was the person in the family that all the problem people came to for help. Lending (lol) money, watching their kids for days on end, letting them sleep on their couch, having them OD in their house (with kids around), and so much more. It gets real crazy real fast when the person let's their family run all over them.

NTA. I fall asleep on the couch all the time and that happens to be where my son prefers to watch TV and game. I also snore so loudly that his friends in his group chat can hear me. I always tell him he has to wake me up at least once to give me another chance to stay awake, but on the second time I have to go to bed.

Carnitas, and not the crappy stewed pork some places pass off as carnitas. I'm talking crispy, fried in lard carnitas.

Freelancing causes him to work overtime?

What field is he working in that he's putting in tons of time and making no money? If that's the case it sounds like whatever work he's doing isn't a sustainable career field at least not for where you're living.

Because that's how I like to do it.

My goal is to have the bag land or slide to a stop right next to the person stacking.

I'm not sure how old you are or where you live, but I was taught this in 9th grade health class in the late 90's (in California). All other sex ed prior to that separated girls from boys, but 9th grade we all stayed in the same class and learned everything about each other's bodies.

My mom gave my brother and I condoms as stocking stuffers for Christmas one year. I think I was a freshman in high school and my brother was a junior.

NTA. I've raised my daughter to make responsible decisions. The only person she needs to discuss her sex life with is her doctor. I don't need to know when or with whom she sleeps with. I just need to know she's being safe and responsible, and that doesn't require me knowing those details.

Police across the country have been subpoena-ing Ring for doorbell camera footage. They completely cut out the homeowners.

With a good lawyer this guy probably gets off (no pun intended), but he shouldn't even have to go through all that.

People always seem surprised when they find out that the root of most problems in the US is capitalism.