I like a good assfro as much as the next person, but this heat turned it into swamp ass. A good trim helped out.

You know you can trim that stuff so it’s not so… extensive.

Yeah, pings are all I need to hear from my teammates lol.

Stuff that shows up on background checks don’t expire or fall off after a certain time. If there’s something on there, they will see it, and that’s all they need.

Welcome to the American justice system.

If he’s programming, he’s probably gonna have 20 chrome tabs open regularly. I’d definitely shoot for 16GiB RAM.

My hands get sweaty so I prefer fist bumps over hand shaking.

They donate to the churches, not the drug addicted homeless squalor

This is not well intentioned is right. We just made it a crime to be in poverty. What in the actual fuck Oklahoma?

Guess it’s easier to just demonize people than it is to find real solutions to homelessness.