This was the story I was thinking of when I saw this post asking for stories!

Had a ton of those at my house when we bought them and ripped them all out!

We had an espalier apple tree the previous owners planted and after the first year it grew apples, we ripped that sucker out. The apples were gross and I couldn't pick them fast enough before they fell to the ground and rotted. Neighbors were happy we got rid of it because they said it was bringing rats to the yard!

I just pulled a ton of this out of my yard yesterday. Was wondering what it was!?

Definitely Powell Woods and Wright Park conservatory if you love gardens! They are two of my favorite places!

Clicked on this thread to find this comment! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

That's a good question. I have four kids myself and want a large van so my kids could each bring a friend, also we go camping a lot and the minivan maxes out with all the stuff we bring or any road trip we go on. She won't let her kids be around other children and doesn't seem to leave her house other than go to her parents, so there's no need for her to have such a large van.

Except you know she loads those kids up on all the "supplements" and her bone broth is soo magical so of course they'll feel better because of that.

I'm so glad to see that other people felt the same way I did. I have many friends still following her and I want to shout at them about how toxic she is!

I felt the exact same way after following her. I could barely grocery shop for my family without extreme guilt and anxiety. I finally had stop following her and found better people to follow.

That is so mortifying. As a kid I wanted no one to know if I had a crush on some. Can you imagine your parents sharing that with the internet? FFS. I would hate my mother if she shared that.

I was thinking the same thing! These women are able to do business networking without having to turn it into a vacation all about Jordan!

So if does anyone know if these are "work trips" is she able to write them off? Doesn't seem fair if so.

Is it weird I'd like to see her drink? I'm wondering if her new single life will get her curious?

One day he flagged us down and we thought there was sort of emergency and he needed help but realized he just was trying to get a ride. I swear he then spit his tooth out at us.

There's a guy who is always pacing in front of the fairgrounds.

For real, she is describing herself! Constantly talking about her chronic illness and trauma.

Oh, welll hopefully that helps her out with her chronic pain. Does anyone actually know what her chronic pain is? Or it's just trauma? I'm so confused!

Yeah, What the heck, she's gonna start taking nicotine? And this other med seems to be for alcohol and drug addictions? Why?

I slept terribly when I tried it and my hair did not even stay curled when I took it out! ๐Ÿ˜† was a waste of a bad night sleep!

Same for me! And I tried the heatless curls and my hair was straight immediately after I took it out! Haha

She still had a cat climbing tree in her bedroom recently, which seemed odd for a cat that she tried to keep outside.