Is this from the ending of the Blaire Witch Project?

Herve gets shit done while looking handsome as all fuck. Sign him up.

He was grabbing his Bratwurst as a tribute to his Germanic hosts. Everybody knows that.

Do it. If you're slow let the group behind play through. Have fun.

Christ man, you all sound like a bunch of whiney babies now. As I said, this always happens with these right wing nut jobs. Think they're the shit when they are doing it but the minute there's a consequence they all act the victim. You should all just accept he did it, he was wrong and take his medicine like man. I'm out. Have a good one in delusional land.👍

I'd rather he'd just show some balls and embrace it. This sort of thing happens with far-right nuts all the time. They think they're Billy Big Bollox making the gesture but when they are called out for it they haven't the bottle to own it.

I remember saying the same when Wenger was associated with the Belgian golden generation. What a match that would have been. Oh and they'd be an absolute joy under Klopp. They look like a headless rabble atm.

They've no idea how to drive those gigantic, unnecessary fucking tanks.

It is. Maybe it's just an American golfing culture thing. I've never had it mentioned to me here in Ireland.

That's fine. I can't stand it. It's as bad as the vuvuzelas at that SA world cup. A wall of annoying sound.

They absolutely do, just have to get rid of Martinez first and get a real manager.

They really are different. Absolutely the most entertaining team to watch so far. Far more direct than past iterations. I like them, but I understand why you didn't like them in the past.

Naw, I don't hate them at all, it's just their in game antics. The constant booing, whistling when they haven't got the ball (which is a lot) and the constant throwing stuff at players. I just don't get it. I just find it more annoying than actually hating the fans.

Thanks for admitting that. That's very brave of you.

Ha! It's just an opinion man. Don't be so sensitive.

Portugal: There are other teams I dislike but I wouldn't mind anyone (even England or Turkey) winning it over them. Martinez has failed upwards his whole managerial career, he's a chancer. Ronaldo is a preening narcissist. The rest of the team I actually like but couldn't handle either of those winning it.

Christ, is everything about pace with you lot?