The bombs only count against you if you hit them with the sabers...

I had the same issue until I started pointing a fan at my face while playing

I beg to differ, considering Tesla just abandoned all their plans to continue building charging stations and fired that whole department. That aside, how long do you think it will take every car manufacturer to agree on a form factor and power output for a universal battery that can go in every car? Then add in how long you think it will take to build all the stations where you can swap the batteries. And let's not forget about fire safety since most batteries can't easily be extinguished, that's going to make it very expensive and add more time. In fact, it could become another NIMBY issue. Also, what happens when a new battery technology comes along and creates a situation where every station has to be upgraded? There are so many layers of logistics that need to be considered before blindly rolling this out. But maybe I'm wrong, so do tell, which company are you going to invest in so you can profit off this multi-billion dollar infrastructure change?

I wish the technology was mature enough that we could standardize it to the point where you drive over a certain spot and a machine swaps it out from the bottom. It might work with a dual battery system where one is swappable and the other is like what we have currently. Nonetheless, we're decades away from that possibility

De-fence-ive driving

Just to provide some contrast, I once worked at a restaurant that brought in grief counselors for a couple days after one of the cooks died (not while working though). If I were you, I'd be looking for a job that doesn't treat employees so callously.

If you synchronize two clocks, you can know what the other clock is displaying, but if you change either clock, it doesn't work anymore

Have a user place 8 blocks to bound their creation in a cube, save what's inside, and let someone else download it. They place 1 block in the center where they want the content to go. Of course, there would have to be a size limitation.

My current pc was built in 2010 and I've been wanting to build a new one. At first I was waiting for prices to go down after the crypto hype, and now with ai...

Not just that, some restaurants only give the good sections to servers who run the most food and drinks for other people's tables. So if you get the worst section, you become a food runner for spare change per hour in the hope that you'll get a better section next time

Just looking for the last goats in RE Village

I don't think they're going to allow a video player because they're too concerned about a media backlash if people can use it for porn

With same orbital plane as the rest of the planets and a circular orbit? That's so unlikely that you have a better chance at getting struck by lightning a few million times

For maximum clarity, I have to adjust the headset in a way that pinches the top of my nose and leaves me with red marks after about 30 minutes of use

My experience was a bit different: I laughed when the tech dropped the entire tray of tools on the floor, but then I had an errant thought that "if these people are incompetent, I'm going to die laughing." So I started breathing through my mouth instead of the cannula to calm my panic

You may want to consider mounting the power supply and circuit board outside the enclosure to avoid baking them

Aside from what others have mentioned, such an object would break apart / explode before reaching that kind of speed

You would have to create an alternative version of a qr code that meets your requirements. Maybe try something with rf-id's instead

Yes, rate limit your customers. They shouldn't need to do multiple requests per second, right? You could also put requests into a queue so that during peak hours you can slow down your api calls temporarily. Maybe charge users extra to not get throttled (a tiered membership).

Maybe it got hung up on "ultimate" since it's a vague and subjective descriptor. In any case, here's what I got:

Certainly! Here's a healthy and delicious egg salad recipe for you:

Ingredients: - 6 large eggs - 1/4 cup Greek yogurt (or mayonnaise if you prefer) - 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard - 2 tablespoons finely chopped celery - 2 tablespoons finely chopped red onion - 2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill - Salt and pepper to taste - A pinch of paprika for garnish (optional)

Instructions: 1. Hard boil the eggs: Place the eggs in a saucepan, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce heat to low and simmer for 9-12 minutes. Drain and cool the eggs in ice water, then peel and chop them.

  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the chopped eggs, Greek yogurt (or mayonnaise), Dijon mustard, celery, red onion, and dill. Mix until well combined.

  2. Season the mixture with salt and pepper to taste. Adjust the seasoning according to your preference.

  3. Chill the egg salad in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to let the flavors meld.

  4. When serving, sprinkle a pinch of paprika for garnish (optional).

This egg salad is not only delicious but also a healthier option with Greek yogurt. Enjoy!