The beam is the heal for her. So she will be yelling “I can’t heal I can’t heal don’t die I’ll heal soon” while it’s on cooldown

According to her, yes. I just let her have fun doing whatever she thinks up.

It is. My 5 year old plays Echo so she can heal me with the beam. She makes me run away from the point first so she doesn’t get interrupted.

I play overwatch with a 5, 8, and 11 year old. The answer is to make a custom game and fill it with easy bots. I just chill as Lucio and keep them all healed, as they spend however long trying to kill them. I get scolded if I shoot since they don’t want me to ‘steal the win’ which is what they call POTG.

I think it’s a lot easier for a couple reasons. I am someone who kept up to date with DOTF for a long while. DOTF is sort of an adventure of the week, off to new places to do new things constantly.

TWI ties back into a central location, the Inn, through out the series. So it helps make it easier to keep track of. Additionaly, Porateaba’s writing style reminds and reinforces who people are, so even if it’s been a while since a person has been around, you will be reminded by their description or narrative.

I'm hoping the Book 1 rewrite audiobook comes out soonish so it is easier for people to get into the series.

It does all point towards the conclusion, but Pirate being concise is... not going to happen lol.

While I think it /could/ be wrapped up quickly in that length, I don’t see it happening. I think we may be 3/4 through the time to get there, but the amount of POV characters means that last 1/4 will double the current word count.

Yeah. And the author estimates the story is about halfway through the plot. As crazy as it sounds, all the storylines do feel like they are heading in the same direction. Some long series turn into adventure of the week and nothing happening ‘now’ feels related to where the series started. TWI still feels tied together.

Yep! They are all available free on the website as well. This graph is most of a year out of date(maybe missing a million words or so), but book 11 Titan of Baleros finishes 1/2 way into volume 6. So you can see just how much is left.


And while ‘only’ 12 audiobooks are out now that total 500+ hours, there are another 30 written and waiting to be recorded. You have a long journey.

[Prepared Area - Weapon Cache]

Yeah, similar situation for me. So much re-listening to series when I was getting books that were only like 8 hours long.

Wandering Inn ranges from 35-60 hours each. Banger value

Maybe? I don’t think it would be anything shorter than that though.

The last time the author gave an estimate, we might be between 1/2 and 2/3 way done. So still a lot to go! Very happy about that :D

Here, give the first 3 minutes of this video a listen. It's spoiler free but gives you a good idea of the different voices. If you still hold the same opinion, then her voice just isn't for you. :)

That must be a personal preference. I find her narration one of the best I've experienced. She does such a wide array of voices that you can tell each one apart from all the others. It might just be that there aren't as many characters at the very start of book 1, but if you get further in there is no way to call her narration boring.

That is one aspect. The first... 5 books just build more and more questions, and some answers start popping up after that lol. You LITERALLY cannot know where the story is going due to lack of context, but on a re-read the hints are there.

Very fair. I personally love it, as it's like catching up with friends I've not seen in a while.

I'll be doing a full series re-read soonish, so we'll see how I feel about it on the second pass lol.

There is a great video by Daniel Greene about Malazan that goes over it, probably better than I can.

But I'll still give it a go.

The mindset is to be willing to be an observer without being given answers. You are a witness to the events without seeing why they are happening, or even what all the consequences will be. To witness confrontations from different viewpoints, all of which consider themselves in the right. You will be given answers that will only cause more questions, not knowing if you'll ever get the answers.

Another point is being able to handle external characterization. Most of the characters you are going to grow attached to are not the POV character. But you'll get to see them from several other people's viewpoint. Think of it how you make friends IRL. You don't get to see their thoughts, only their actions.

Cool, so current enough. There's just so much that happens between where the audiobooks are (about to have the witches introduced in Riverfarm) to where the web is now. Like 9 of my top 10 moments happen in that gap lol.

And I do the same, usually about 6 months worth of buildup before I catch up. TWI i read every update as 40-50,000 words is enough for a good read. But those that do 2k-5k word chapters once a week or w/e I can't get into it enough to justify reading each chapter.

For Malazan... for me it was by the end of book 2, but for some people it was book 3. GOTM is widely considered the weakest of the series, and books 2 and 3 rank in the very top, depending on what aspects you enjoy.

And if it doesn't click still, you're with the majority of people. It just is not a series for everyone. And that's ok.