For Fountains of Wayne, I’m going with Radiation Vibe

Yeah, I wish the article gave more information about how they cut the time down. Are the trains going faster? But I suspect you are right, that they cut out some padding. One time I asked why there was a 30 minute stop in Rutland, and I was told it was because they have to do another brake test in Rutland (since it changes direction). But performing a brake test on a train that short only takes about 10 minutes, so there is time that can be cut

You ever had your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat?!!!

Just not enough of them - if there were more of them, the majority of the world would be speaking Dutch today.

Well, you know what they say: one man’s trash is another raccoon’s music.

Cheeseburger & Fries, Pizza & Beer, Chili & Cornbread, and Apple Pie & Ice Cream

There’s a house in Huntington on W Shore Rd with a pirate on the deck

Well, the real culprit is the government. They gave out money during covid - and they have a fancy name for it: quantitative easing - cause that sounds better than saying “hey, we’re gonna print a bunch of money.” And then the Fed supposedly tries to fight inflation by raising interest rates - but really this is just more money for bankers… fortunately my dad told me about inflation many years ago. I bought my 2 bdrm and 1 & 1/2 bath house in 2004 in VT for $150k - housing cost is around $1k per month

They do things differently on that side of the pond. My relatives in the Netherlands told me if someone hits a sheep with their car, the driver of the car is always at fault, regardless of the circumstances.

Snakes and sparklers are the only ones I like

I had a girlfriend that once said that Kiss was better than everything ever put out in the Disco genre. I’m not a die hard disco fan or Kiss fan, but I had to inquire further. I asked her to name her 3 favorite Kiss songs and all she could say was “I want to rock n roll all night”… I was like what about Detroit Rock City, Hard Luck Woman, I Was Made For Loving You??? She hadn’t even heard of the last 2… clearly she didn’t put much thought into her statement. I then spent most of the evening playing disco era songs that are actually good. Then the argument changed to: Rapture by Blondie is not disco.

I believe the number you are looking for is 200 million.

People commenting that they don’t like syrup anyways are hereby banished from Vermont.

There’s always room for J-E-L-L-O (and mayonnaise)!