Mf calls himself ancient masculinity and doesn't even know ancient spartan women were fit af and worked out together with men. They did not get military training but they were ripped.

Heyyy that's lunaistabby from Youtube. She's getting all the attention from algorithm nowadays. Love that car.

In italian salsa means sauce but in turkish salça (a loanword from italian) means tomato paste.

Focaccia is an italian bread but its loanword in turkish (poğaça) is a completely different pastry.

Korean Mandu and turkish mantı are very different despite both being dumplings.

Also we call lots of pastries börek but you will be crucified if you call any pastry börek in ex-yugoslav countries :D Btw börek and pierogi are probably cognates.

🍌 Muz Tarikatı 🍌

Haklı demiş? Güzel bir değişim. Eğer Ümit Özdağ'ın sağcılığı bile sizi memnun etmiyorsa iğneyi kendinize batırma vaktiniz gelmiştir.

I don't really listen that much turkish stuff and it's really hard for a foreigner to love it. However you might like "She Past Away" and "Altın Gün" because for some reason foreigners love those bands.

Other than that I can recommend 3 Hürel, Moğollar, and Fikret Kızılok. "Old but gold" stuff. If you want traditional bağlama music, check out Neşet Ertaş, Aşık Veysel, and Arif Sağ. They are legends amongst men.

If you want more metal, Kurban (literally victim) and Mezarkabul/Pentagram are the most popular bands.

See, religion based discrimination has its flaws but it works!

Devlet Sosyalisti :Socialism:

Hoi4 brainrot'u sanırım. Hoi4 generic focus tree'ye göre faşizm ve komünizm aynı şey aslında.

Godot Student

This sub used to be really really insane before the Unity fiasco. Don't get me wrong there were still amazing game posts but I clearly remember some guy posting his peeing simulation or yaranaika godot logo. It's still insane but more mild.

🍌 Muz Tarikatı 🍌

Dilciyim. Bence dillerin yanlış veya doğru kullanımı yoktur. Nasıl ki, 200 yıl önce konuşulan türkçe farklıysa bundan 20 yıl sonra konuşulacak türkçe de farklı olabilir. Esas sıkıntı gramerin içinden geçen yavşaklardır. O mi'yi ayıracaksın kardeşim.

Yeah no shit humans act like humans. We always vilify ourselves but we are pretty great. I think it's time to stop complaining about our negative traits and focus on improving the positive traits of being a human. Bad parts will always be there but we can talk about the good parts more.

Me bad english. I didn't know that phrase had that much negative meaning. All I'm saying is there's nothing wrong with liking morally bad characters as long as you don't make them your role models.

🍌 Muz Tarikatı 🍌

Savcısı uyuşturucu baronu, generali insan kaçakçısı, gümrük memuru rüşvetçi, eski iç işleri bakanının her suçluyla fotosu var. Mafya lideri de youtuber amk. Biz normal vatandaşlar olarak var ya, suça karışmayarak harcanıyoruz bence. Aklıma şu klasik yeşilçam sahnesi geldi:

Yakında Joker ile Walter White karışımı bişey olacam. Bir sosyetede yaşıyoruz.

🍌 Muz Tarikatı 🍌

This post really touched me. Loss of a child is a very painful thing to go through. I wish all the members of your family long, prosperous, and healthy lives.