That's what, one and a half hours driving?

I have friends living in my city that are that "travel time" away, and we still meet often.

Just go and see her frequently.

Not exactly one of the breeds I'd favour... but damn... those paw wrinkles 🥹🥰

Given that an antihero is somewhat of a bad guy who still does good things, I'd say Elon Musk.

He's an internet troll who's way too often endorsing right-wing shit and it's really easy to be super annoyed by him.

Still, he advances electromobility, space travel, affordable housing, solar energy, human machine interfaces, and probably a shitton of other things, which are all kinda good things.

Am I the only one who expects an Impala to drive through the picture any second now?

Mental control of my thyroid!

Need energy? Need sleep? Want to weigh more? Want to lose weight?

That bitch is responsible for all of the above and more!

A crow or raven.

  • wicked smart

  • bunch of friends

  • can communicate

  • can fly!

  • dressed in black

  • can become a familiar to a crazy person with magic

  • sometimes follows around wolves

Well, there's another issue! Like any product with organic compounds, lube can and will go bad over time and loose it's lubing properties. Go get something new!

Another tip (if you're ready for that) would be getting your ass-hair professionally waxed or sugared.

By my experience, sugaring is less painful but usually costs a little more.

Also: don't try shaving it. This doesn't end well for most people, and you seem to have sensitive skin.

Damn. Even on his birthday, he didn't get the braincell.

Anyway, happy birthday, Timmy!

The type of lube can have a huge impact on this. Have you tried a silicone based lube?

The water-based ones often evaporate to fast and leave behind an unpleasant gunk that causes even more friction.

There are also oil based ones but as long as you're using condoms they're off the table because the condoms are being damaged.

I would try to wrap them in grip tape like you can get for tennis rackets or golf clubs and stuff.

Inexpensive enough to give it a shot.

That aside, an ergotherapist might be a better place to look for answers to this specific question.

In any case, good luck with your search and all the best wishes!

I think this is a variation of the "whatever" bathroom sign that often includes an alien. I assume this "alien" has Shrek horns.

It usually grows back a bit healthier. Also, since there aren't years of sun exposure, they're usually a shade or two darker at first.

Other than that, it's the same hair genetics and nutrition have allotted to you as before.

I haven't spoken to my blood relations in 17 years. That doesn't mean I don't have family. On the contrary. I have a great family, I'm just not blood related to them.

Your blood relatives probably won't change. But the equally sad and great news is that you're not alone. There's so many people out there in shitty situations. And knowing shitty yourself, you'll be able to spot them. Find them. Support each other. Be a new kind of family.

I know people sometimes try to convince you otherwise, but having popped out of someone doesn't give you any kind of obligation. The ones who bring life into this world are theoretically obliged to care for the life they give birth to, but nobody is infallible. So, sometimes they fail, sometimes they fail hard. And if they do so, you have every right to find people who fail a little less. It's not your job to fix everything or to bear every insult. You're supposed to grow and help others to do the same, just pick a few deserving ones that care equally about you.

Pawlow is sitting in a room. Suddenly, the phone rings. Immediately, jumps up and yells "Damn, I forgot to feed the dog!"

You were chosen by the international cat distribution system. Congratulations!

Asshole Enthusiast [8]

Your actions are reasonable, but maybe have your wife try and talk to her separately.

Issues like this don't occur over night. Turning so overly sensitive about something that was normal to her before, might be due to some event that has gotten to her. Maybe something happened at college and she hasn't opened up about it yet?

They're Austrians, Styrians to be precise. They offer charme and good food and (knowing a few people who work there) they're all huge metalheads themselves. So they get excited to work with the bands they fangirl and fanboy instead of treating them as just another contract.

Even if there wasn't this big "one of us"-factor, they're European, they follow European laws. So many of the clauses that bring bands to a status next to indentured service are simply impossible in Europe. Which, at least for me, would be yet another reason.

Also, musicians are also consumers of music. Having all the cool bands is a motivation for more cool bands to get there. The bands fangirl and fanboy each other, too.

I'm totally with you. This whole "everything is a hate symbol" theme going on here is annoying.

Side story:

Vienna has 23 districts. They do have names and numbers associated with them. When giving the location of something, you can either use the name or the number of the district to specify where something is located. However, it is much more common to use the numer than to use the name. (Common examples would be: "We like each other, but I live in 3rd, and he lives in the 23rd, that's such a long ride to get there!" or "Did you mean the Swarovski Store in 1st district?")

A couple of years ago, we had a case of a speech therapist who happened to have he practice in 18th district (rather rich and old villa district on one of the edges of the city). She was very proud to be the best speech therapist in the entire 18th district and had gotten a vanity plate over a decade before that could be translated to "speech18". Nobody thought anything of it... until someone did and the "everything is a hate symbol"-crew complained to the magistrate and forced them to take away the plate she had had for so long.

So yeah, paraphrasing another Viennese: Sometimes an 18 is just an 18.

I usually hate that everyone instantly yells "racism" at every other symbol... but 18 very often refers to the first and eight letters of the alphabet, namely A and H, that also happen to be the initials of a person of great notoriety. Thus, using these numbers in this context is a strong hint that these people might actually condone what happened during the holocaust. So yeah... I'd say bad stuff going on there

And since the automod INSISTS on adding a source I add the Wikipedia article on the person with the aforementioned A.H. initials.

This is an Icelandic stave they can be put together to represent very personal things and have endless variations.

Icelandic staves spring to my mind. But I don't know any particular one that looks precisely like this...