Is there a certain bias or double standard implied?

So Austrians, like every other fanbase turks included, has thrown cups in the direction of the corner flag. Shitty thing to do.

Turks threw a coin at the head of a player, chanted about Hitler, whistled nonstop and started fireworks in the night to disturb the team.

But go off about how both fans are totally the same. Turks are completely classless, plain and simple.

Austria deserved more but at the same time Turkey doesnt deserve a thing. By far the most trashy fans in the tournament. Chanting about Hitler, constant whistling, throwing a damn coin at the head of a player, fireworks in the night before the game....

Nobody expected class from that bunch and somehow they still effortlessly managed to go lower than that

Condoning that behavior. Not that i wouldve expected any class from yall, but yep, checks out. No wonder nobody liles you and is rooting against you.

3rd Vienna siege is successful

Least trashy turkey fan. I swear, being an unlikable helmet is just part of your fan culture

Its not racism when your fans are trashy af and dont deserve anything. Fireworks at the team hotel, constant whistling, throwing a coin at the head of a player. Trashy cunts

Unsportsmanlike cunts have won it. When they get blasted ny the netherlands it will be glorious. Trashy team, even trashier fans.

Interrupt the game, make the announcer make an announcement warning the fans with suspension of the game...

So turks can throw coins at the player, hit the player, and the ref did nothing? Cool cool cool.

Pathetic display all around from the turks

Turks throwing coins at the player. Stay classy. Bunch of cunts - and then theyre wondering why nobody likes them

Turks feel the rain and think the olympics for the swimming competition with the amount of divinf they do

Turkey got gifted a lucky goal and has been doing fuck all since. Shitty fans and shithousing team. Just unlikeable all around

Laimer is such a waste. When they try playing out from the back hes hidung behind the turkish players and doesnt offer himself as a passing option. And his runs are just not good. Terrible positional awareness imo

They always have a perpetual victim complex. Nothing new.

Social Democrat

If the go with Kamala, they are throwing in the towl. She is hated in her own state and doesnt even have a national profile of note. Shes spent the past 4 yrs doing nothing and is best known for locking up black people to advance her career. Trump would rinse her and honestly, if they go with her, thats what Dems deserve as well

People dont like obnoxious fans and a shithousing team, what a surprise. Must be xenophobia

Social Democrat

No, it was a terrible decision even back then. Dont apologise her recklessnes, people have been calling for her resignation for yrs even before Trump was elected.

Ref is on full blown clown watch.

I swear the french guy who had the spain georgia match is the only one who has been solid this tournament

Sure, its the noise of the fans why nobody is rooting for you...

I think its hilarious how absolutely nobody is rooting for turkey

Social Democrat

The issue isnt age, its ego. You can be 90 and sharp, you can be 40 and a dullard.

Problem is when you have walking vegetables like Biden, Feinstein or RBG clinging to their seats for dear life

Because youre surprised the levels the stoop to. Shame isnt something youll find in the super lig, lets put it that way