Uh huh... Stuff like this I always have the problem of deciding between his brain being made of spoiled cottage cheese or him lying his ass off. Leaning towards option 2

It's kinda funny to think about the fact that Trump said he'd self fund his campaign back in 2015.... What a strange road his fan club has walked down to now find themselves donating their hard earned money to a convicted felon who's just lost a case about paying off a porn star.

I only thought of it because I did the same damn thing. Twice. Lol

Well I could tell you that one. His followers are in a cult. Anything bad for him is cheating, or a conspiracy or fake news, or just doesn't matter.

Whatever it takes to let them keep loving CheetoDaddy because it feels good.

looks like you might be a little high on the left side of your bed there. The decreased gap forces the nozzle to slightly dig in and push filament ahead of it causing ripples that build up.

make sure that the hotend fan that cools the heatsink is on. For it to jam that quickly you're either dealing with a serious misalignment in the filament path or heat creep from that fan not cooling it.

after performing the cut, try telling it to auto arrange the parts. I bet it splits them up and places them on the bed.

upside down with the ears closest to the build plate. Try to tilt it a bit so that the supports end up on the inside of the mask. Pay extra attention to supporting those teeth.

I've never seen PLA do that. Put some acetone on it and see if it melts, because that 100% looks like ABS delamination.

Either way, you need more heat for sure, but I suspect what would really help is an enclosure.

Yep, pretty much this. I'm skeptical but hopeful. I'm hoping that they open the door to other companies trying to put out similar offerings. If a bit of competition entered that space, things could get really interesting.

Bambu Studio does have a pretty good cut function. You can even change it from planar to dovetail so it has a dovetail joint for putting it back together. It sounds like you were using that function but something went sideways on you.

Just select the object, go up to the cut function at the top, drag the plane around to where you want the cut to be, and then perform the cut. You should end up with two separate parts you can then orient to print.

For this kind of work, resin would likely be better than FDM. Either would likely work, however you might have a tough time getting exact models for replacement. As far as materials, you have tons of options and probably don't need anything fancy. PLA would do fine, or any ABS-like resin if you go that route. Once you have the part, it'd be your standard sand prime and paint.

:flag-tx: Texas

It was actually surprisingly successful in 2022 https://www.npr.org/2022/11/11/1135878576/the-democrats-strategy-of-boosting-far-right-candidates-seems-to-have-worked

The Clinton campaign did try to raise Trump's profile early on according to wikileaks, and if so, that obviously bit them right in the ass, but on a state level, this strategy has been wildly successful because none of these maga candidates seem to have whatever zombie juice Trump somehow produces.

I don't know who writes these headlines, but they should be filing for unemployment benefits. Do they force Newsweek employees to do this? Blink twice if you're not free to speak and need help.

Yeah, as much as I'd love to see him in an orange jumpsuit, the only thing this trial will accomplish in that direction is making sure he's no longer a first time offender when (IF!) we ever get a guilty verdict on his other cases.

oh man... if it was Obama, they'd have had a grand jury convened 5 days after he left office, have him indicted within a month, and behind bars within 6 months. The catch, of course, being that Obama isn't a serial criminal.

What still somehow remains insane to me is how Trump became President with everything we already knew about him before the election. I can't think of any Democratic presidential candidate in my lifetime that wouldn't have been instantly and utterly sunk by even a fraction of the stuff that came out about Trump during that first election, let alone everything else since.

How can Republicans be so forgiving and accepting of someone like Trump, yet have rabid burning hate in their hearts for other random people they know nothing about?

That's what we get for letting them learn to read and vote, amirite?


He really is just pretty much exclusively pandering to the Trump crowd these days, huh?

I guess if he's not going to drop out, that's one way to limit the damage he's doing to this country.

Is the line in the room with us now? I keep hearing plenty about this very important and totally real line.

Watching this all play out like a slow motion trainwreck has taught me a few things. Chief among them is just how powerful special interests are in our government. Right now Biden's basically being driven off of a cliff by weapons contractors and AIPAC.

I really do think that if anything sinks him in November, it's going to be Israel. In the face of public outcry and polling, this administration has continued to plough on forward with a few stern words here and a few token gestures there.... but all in all, I think this would have played out just about exactly the same no matter who was President.

Trump would have still managed to be worse, because he really does have a near magical talent for that. I really hope we don't get to see just how much worse he could make things over there, but way too many people seem to be willing to buy a ticket to that show.

I always try to beware of overly broad brushes being used to paint a group of people.

That being said, if we end up with another Trump term out of all this shit, the face eating leopards will be dining well once again. I think the problem is that if you're 18 right now, you weren't old enough during Trump's term to give much of a shit or really absorb just how bad it was.

Almost like some people have a vested interest in building this particular narrative or something.

No it should not. Though I'd describe that as more of a tilt than a bend. If I were you, I'd take the bed off entirely, replace those rubber chunks or whatever they are with some springs with washers on both ends, and just get everything square and level.

Unfortunately, it'll never happen because they want all that time to fundraise and a horse race really helps that. That wouldn't be the reason they give, but I'm pretty confident that's the reason that matters.

Had a weird moment there where I thought you were trying to say that WWII was in 2000.