:illuminati:Ascended Death Cult:illuminati:

Gotta track stonks progress with green and red inna woods.

:illuminati:Ascended Death Cult:illuminati:

Nice, I’ll have to try it.

:illuminati:Ascended Death Cult:illuminati:

How well does that hold up?

Anytime I’ve given blood, those things pop off if I flex too much.

Interesting, what’s the negatives to it? I’ve always heard decent things about the filbe.

What’s your budget?

Probably a couple hundred, but you know how this goes brother… but once cry once. Just looking for something with a decent frame and pack for sustainment / hiking.

I’m not big on pinch harmonics but I will say Doyle uses them well on the two DOYLE albums. They’re not exactly scarce… but somehow not overdone or irritating.

Now if only someone could find Fuck The Bullshit, This Is Cancerslug

I love the version of Born of Beast on there. It’s disappeared even off BandCamp.

He pardoned someone for something you claim is legal?

ETA : this might be the most milquetoast exchange to receive a block I’ve ever experienced on Reddit.

I hope /u/Huge-Ad2263 is in a healthy headspace.

Damn. I’ll throw an F in the chat, brother. Had to hurt.


Ascended Death Cult

They are both Abrahamic religions at the end of the day.

Kind of would make a dope decal.

How tf did it bite your inner forearm though? While slung or something?

Is a surplus filbe the best bang for the buck for a complete ruck? I need one and not up to speed on what’s good these days.

He’s kind of right though. I’ve got countless band and sports shirts and Gildans are the worst.

Cool design though.

Can’t we all just get along?



It's entirely possible

You’ve clearly never seen the homeowner.

She’s a majestic beast ready to do battle with people just taking pictures. It’s basically Season 6 at this point.

Unholy schmoley I didn’t expect that $4k price tag.

Sweet guitar though. Hope to try one some day.