I briefly remember seeing some kind of nematode that you can spray, that consumes fleas. It’s more or a preventative though.

Proud gate louse here. Will continue to do so, because I’m up against all the other lice for the last crumbs of bin space.

Thanks for the interesting answers! I don’t think I travel enough!

Boarded without boarding pass at SEA 4/23QUESTION

Was on 1304 SEA to SFO yesterday. Full flight, and a woman going to her seat a few rows in front of me saw someone in it. She said something like “I think you’re in my seat”. Both people got their boarding passes (both were paper) and both had the same seat number. Apparently though, the seated woman didn’t actually have a ticket. I couldn’t hear exactly what was said, but she was removed from the plane, and by this point was crying (she was really young- looked like a teen). She might have been let back on in a seat near the front. I don’t know. How is this possible?

We always lose power (near the Nob Hill on Campbell Ave, San Tomas Expressway area), and lost it at 4 yesterday, with no estimation of when it’s coming back. Last year we didn’t have power for 4 days during one of those big storms.

I’m so glad to hear Sushi Sam’s is still going. Last time I was there was 20 something years ago!

Campbell has a free pick-up day once a year, usually in March. Their website is https://westvalleyrecycles.com. They’re pretty responsive if you call too.

My mother was recently harassed by a ‘lonely old guy’ neighbor. He got creepier and creepier, and she’s now gone to the police so that at least they’ll have a record of something happens to her. People who can’t take hints or ignore what you’re telling them really don’t understand that they’re not entitled to you in any way. Plenty of them will push and push because it’s what they want. Trust your gut, trust your dog. Don’t listen to anyone who says you’re overreacting. Get the cameras, build a better fence. You can be polite, but you don’t owe him any more than that. At all.

I was just trying to get rid of cushion foam- I have like 4 seating cushion pieces, 4” deep.

Would Casa de Fruita dried fruit count?

I highly highly recommend a podcast that ran a 4 part series on Clarence Thomas last year (starting July 26). It’s called Behind the Bastards. Very memorable.

Thank you both! I get anxious and can’t think of words. This is very helpful.

Said yes, and am now saying no.

I went through a really quick interview process for a job that I know I can do, but I’ve since found out the attorney is not someone I want to work with. I said yes, and they just sent me the conflicts stuff and an email with intention to send me an offer. This came through a recruiter, and I don’t want to burn bridges with them. Does anyone have some language for an email saying thanks but no thanks after all? This has me stressed and I can’t think straight. Thanks!