I am. I personally know 4 or 5 players that are back because they played OG Erangel and caught the PUBG bug. Can't be that rare.

As of today, I have 1141 hours in game. I've really only been playing recently for the last 2 months. I probably have 300-400 hours in the past year or two. I played A TON before levels were even a thing. I keep getting accused of hacking for killing someone. People don't realize that just because you're diamond whatever doesn't mean that you're good at the game, just that you play it a lot. I'm not great, but I'm pretty good. So are my friends. We all play together and are all bronze.

Very helpful. Thank you!

Can you show a pic of it in use?

25 and married. I still play video games with my friends, just bought a house so a lot of DIY and maintenance, camping and hiking, going to the shooting range (not everyone's cup of tea, but don't knock it til you try it), reading, walking/playing with my dogs.

If you do something and enjoy it, don't worry if it's childish. Everything in life doesn't have to be serious. Go and do what makes you happy.

Can't say I've ever been involved in or witnessed an attack. Again, I never said that they don't happen. I said the type of person to see the video in the post and comment something hateful is terminally online. Seems you may also fit the bill. If people want to own something, they can. If they want to get attached to that thing, guess what...they can. I think people are missing the point here.

You must live in a different universe where seeing an animal out and about is a death sentence. You literally said you don't think anyone has seen a pitbull in person because those that do end up dead.

Literally saw one on Saturday and somehow survived to tell about it. Seriously, I would invite you to step outside and see what the world is really like.

I'd be surprised if they've ever seen a pitbull in person since most of these folks don't go outside.

I'm not saying I'd own one, but if someone else wants to, go for it. Keep your dog on a leash when around others as all dog owners should do and life goes on. Feeling the need to comment about it on Reddit is weird. Some people out here are seriously obsessed.

Bro read a book about walkable cities too. I live in walking distance of a park, but I didn't when I was a kid. That's what yards are for.

Basically true for any crossplay game nowadays. Apex is somehow worse.

I think removing the running boards may help. Truck is super low already. No need for those unless you're 100 years old.

+37 (Elite Trader)

Upon further review, mine is more of a sand or FDE color. I thought they were the same and they are not. Let me know if you're still interested. It's seen hardly any use at all.