Low key most of the Navy or Purple teams attract people of Harrison Barnes talent level

Feels like there's dudes who play their whole career for some combo of the Wolves, Jazz, Mavs, Kings, Raps and Pelicans lol

Honestly neutrality is best in the NFL, admittedly, since you can throw on all the games and catch 65% of everything rather than 100% of one game

He should hold out permanently. As someone who doesn't root for any team in any sport, it makes everything more entertaining

Hot take - this roll is overrated because the Verity portion kills things too fast to allow for consistent recharges

Osmio Star Eaters is better because the consistent nades give you orbs and super energy

Yznsa is a fat fuck who only feels confident to talk shit because he's behind a screen

The best way to do this is to put one of those players who always plays on Western Conference Navy or Purple teams

Feels like there's 100 guys in NBA history who never won shit and shuffled between some combo of the Mavs, Kings, Wolves, Grizzlies and Jazz

One of the most confusing parts of the edit is how Erik was cheering Russ on from the jury then became the biggest Russ hater lol

Survivor 46: FortyOneFortyTwoFortyThreeFortyFourFortyFive

It's pretty funny how everyone thought she was dogshit but once pros started player her it's like NERFS PLEASE BROKEN META

I just think the discourse has been treating Ingram like a 2/10 player when he's a 7/10

The people who talk most about resumes end up in 9th place

Like huge resume there Tevin lol

Low key better than Destiny content, where everyone copies build videos one week after the creator puts them out.

Poor plunderthatbooty got his Mataidoxia build stolen a week later by every grubby clout farmer

It's like the reverse Brandon Ingram, who's being treated like he belongs in a Puerto Rican rec league

I have a hard and fast rule that I don't take guys in the first 2 rounds that haven't had a 100 catch season before

Why has there been a new post every day in Summer 2024 insinuating Hatch did nothing wrong by rubbing his bare junk on a woman without her consent?

Is Hatch making burners?

He should go for the ugliest number possible for the memes

PG49 or PG79