It’s weird I’m getting recommended posts that are days old.

I don’t think I’ve ever skipped an intro.

You see those in American restaurants occasionally. Probably a carry over since it’s Agil’s restaurant. Though it’s less of an actual recruitment poster and more of a pop culture artifact at this point. When’s the last time you saw the U.S. military using the “I Want You” Uncle Sam poster to genuinely try to recruit people?

Collateral damage in an apocalypse is like ordering ketchup packs with a burger that has ketchup, mustard and barbecue sauce on it.

I thought “where humans live” was implied. There is no permanent residence in Antarctica, so that doesn’t count, similarly for the ocean.

Capitalism enjoyer:Anti-Communism:

Can someone who actually knows how the U.N. works explain to me how he managed to get there? At least with Gadaffi he was the leader of a country, Hinkle is just some dude for all the U.N. knows, why does he get to speak as opposed to someone more knowledgeable and credible.

How the Hell is this a revolution? Do you honestly believe that any of the Founders would be happy with this case? Even the ones that were in favor of a strong national government, they didn’t want a President above the law!

Barry Allen apologist

God I hate the mentality people have where a character’s worth is defined by how “badass” they are. It’s like they think of them the same way they think of W.W.E. wrestlers or M.M.A. fighters. Depending solely on who they fight and how tough or badass they are. “I’ve conquered worlds and slain gods!” “Well now I’m going to beat you, which makes me even more badass!” No acts of kindness or human connection just fights between two growling guys for the sake of it.

I thought The Boys show was supposed to be less edgy than the comics.

I got this recommended this from Reddit four days after its postage and the info came out.

Don’t forget your wildlife. Australia is the only place in the world where humans aren’t at the top of the food chain.

The only explanation I can think of for allowing this is Freedom of Speech. Otherwise I can’t see it as anything other than a stupid idea and someone who knows how the U.N. works is gonna have to explain how this happened.

I think people think we’re the most racist country in the world because we’re more aware of it (and acknowledge it’s bad) than most other places.

Didn’t America create the vaccine? (Just looked into it, it was English. Got the story misplaced, sorry.)

Two things. We have the largest amount of black soil, the most arable in the world. The other is historical. Our constitution, the longest continuously used in the world, was made by people who disagreed with each other and made various compromises for the sake of a unified and functioning government. This set a precedent for politics that allowed for harmonious disagreement and compromise as exemplified in our peaceful transfer of power after Presidential Elections. Unlike in other famous revolutions where an ideological clique tries to dominate politics, government, and society; quickly leading into tyranny.

So true, every soldier, sailor, and pilot should get a tattoo of it.