I have on in my S&W Shield w 0 issues. Bought a few years ago, many rounds through it.

Get a bunch of tennis balls and put them on the ground and put a sheet of plywood on them. Attempt to stand in the middle. Et voila. Earthquake simulator

He woke up. Many of us realized who and how the Demoncrats run their party and make you Liberal sheep. Just agree w everything they tell you. If you don't you're a racist, homophobic and hate women. Do what they say, not as they do. They make you vote with your emotions rather than logic.

As seen on TV, overpriced gold plated coins 30x's what you would buy for an Oz

Better than in urban areas 🍻

Can't argue with you about that.

Hey, you're absolutely right. Hope you enjoy it and it shoots flawlessly. If you like it, fantastic, more for you.

There are velcro ties that work great for these lungs of things

Damn, you paid good money for that look?! =/ damn, that thing is so ugly. >_<

You might want to delete this post asap 😎

Lmao. Everyone who is not in the gun community thinks we're nucking futs.

Good for the coach. Speak his mind and make the kids think a little bit. That's rare these days. Work hard, not woke hard. Words to live by.

The large screens are such a cheap way out of designing a nice interior. I'm all for integrated screens but also, bring buttons back.