
24.5 bn lvl 159 invite me good god

Det är ett problem, det är inte dina barn. Respektera gränser som sätts, det är ingen diskussion.

she wants to fuck you. in my experience, older women know exactly what they want, so make sure you enjoy it and if you must have a fap before so you dont cum too soon. if you do, you're young enough to reload quickly. just be frank and tell her you want it too!

imagine thinking that this is the real problem with the current fiscal system

What did the five fingers say to the face?


you're pretty much hiding your face in every pic. you look handsome enough to not have to pose. look into the camera and smile. other than that, congrats you were at the front of the line when god handed out physiques and faces.

Lose the pics where you make "hot" faces, stick to pics that show how you currently look, i would consider losing the goatee and go for 3 day beard. dont give away your entire personality in your bio and smile more

The last wood bender, coming to netflix in 2025

You look happy. Please dont let the world and the harsh reality of online dating ever put you down. I salute you good sir!

I just want to be in the club: get therapy

thats an afternoon in asia

What an excellent way to decide that the next 15 years will be an adventure in prison.

säg vilken skola det är så kan vi komma hela gänget och stå utanför och ropa efter honom och fråga varför han har en enorm dildo hemma som han kör upp i röven

try not to look like you're 50

Dumpa henne först, uppenbart att hon har kvar dig som säkerhet för det känns tryggt.