Hey, thanks for your review. Do these earbuds have an actual click button or is it a touch capacitor?

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

Little things were just adding up

Not a single one of the things mentioned in this post is "little". 

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

This could be my college roommate, except it doesn't mention anything about spending thousands of dollars on mobile games or using at least one entire toilet paper roll per day.

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

I think people imagine "etiquette" is just for formal, posh situations, but what it's really for is THIS. Gives you a script for uncomfortable or unfamiliar social situations. If two people meet and you know both of them, it would be polite to introduce them and give them some context of how you know each other. If you get used to doing it all the time, then that muscle memory kicks in when your brain is off lol

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

It's normal in some places for a different system to be used for women's clothes (yes, it's stupid). For example in the US the size 30 OOP mentioned would be called a size 0, and a 36 would be about a size 6. A US women's size 30 would be something like an EU size 58-64, or 5-6XL. 

Also the size range varies VASTLY depending on the manufacturer, I'm not sure how common that is with EU sizing. Like someone could wear a 4 in some brands and an 8 in other brands. Again, it's stupid as all hell.

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

This is a little bit of an ESH situation but it's really apparent how OOP is actually jealous about her sister's figure. For people who are very busty, SO many people feel in their lives are going to act like they have a right to police what they wear and it's so fucking infuriating, I can completely understand where the sister is coming from there. Using myself as an example, ALL formal dresses are going to make me look very busty, ESPECIALLY if they are flattering and well tailored. The fact that OOP was even trying to talk the sister out of a TAILORED SUIT because it would show off her figure too much?? Yes, you're a bridezilla and yes, you are "body shaming" her.

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

Thank you!! That attitude drives me up a wall and especially so when I was a teacher. I only raised my voice a few times and the kids knew I was serious because I only ever did that when something dangerous was going on. If you're yelling at your kids all the time not only are they going to associate it with fear like you're saying (you are right and that's a WHOLE other rant) they're also going to have a hard time taking it seriously when you do need to get their attention in a dangerous situation.

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

I really want to see this, too. She deserves so much better. Her husband was tearing her self-worth to shreds for years whether he meant to or not. 

When someone is in such a dark place and especially if they're considering suicide, it can sometimes take a really long time to build up their self-worth enough to do that work "for themself". Self-care is a skill that takes practice and those skills are surely very rusty after years of minimal use. If someone has to do it for their kid, or pets, or their job or something while building those skills back up, it's better than the alternative. Hopefully therapy will help her.

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

Unfortunately this doesn't always have to do with just guys being creeps. As young as 12 I had teachers, strangers, family members etc telling me my shirts were too low-cut or my shorts/skirts too revealing, and most of those people were women including my mom. Similar situation to OP and others here in the comments where my clothes were the same as other girls'-- in fact there were days I got called to the principal's office where I was wearing the exact same clothing items as other girls.

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

At least 70% of HR people in larger businesses are "popular kids in your school" grown up. They're nasty as hell. You should hear the shit talking that goes on in the HR office at my work, I wouldn't say that stuff about my worst enemies and they say it about the vulnerable people they're supposed to advocate for.

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

I guess I'm glad OP is taking baby steps but honestly "I was relieved to hear that my boyfriend usually only goes to events with NORMAL and POLITE furries and not those smelly perverted weirdo furries" isn't the W of a takeaway these comments seem to think...

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

RIGHT?! And her bio dad had a speech... Hasn't he only "known" her as an adult for like a year at this point (not sure how long the engagement was)? Like, what could he possibly have to say that would be speech-worthy?

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

I don't really get where you're coming from here. Is it because her writing style does not have a lot of embellishment? To me it reads that she is really disappointed about all the lying and refusal to communicate, and is being put in a tough position having to refuse to support the kids of a man who made really poor financial decisions.

Wow, I didn't know this was something other people's parents did. My mom's reasoning for her disbelief was that I had never been formally "diagnosed"-- ma'am, I was a child, that was your problem! I was just trying to not throw up every time I ate coconut! Was 8 year old me supposed to make an appointment and borrow the car? Save up for the copay by mowing lawns? You gotta laugh.

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

This person's behavior was the instant I knew this kid was not white. White kids don't get patted down by a fucking lunch monitor. What the FUCK

Because it's possible to be right and still be an asshole. The question is if OP was an asshole for the comment, not if the comment was technically correct.

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

I was this kid lmao. Not literally the kid from the story, but correcting my teachers from like age 5. No one liked that but my parents did find it funny when not finding it frustrating to deal with.

Any particular genre? Some of these are vibes based more than lyrics based:

Evelyn - Kim Tillman

Lilith - Ellise

Bloody Creature Poster Girl - In This Moment (if you like this genre look at more of her songs, lots of evil villain fodder)

Maybe - Flower Face

Blacksnake - Charming Disaster

Heart Shaped Box - orig Nirvana but I like the cover by Dead Sara for these purposes

Freak - Sub Urban (pretty on the nose LOL) 

Circle With Me - Spiritbox

This thread is old as hell but I've been bopping around this sub lately. Still looking for recs?

I'm sorry you got downvoted as fuck because you're right. People on this site have taken the concept of "communicating boundaries" and really misinterpreted it. Setting (clear) boundaries includes what the response will be if the line is crossed. Boundaries aren't intended to dictate the other person's behavior, they are a way of communicating your own expectations and responses.

I think OP was 100% justified to fuck off and let this be hubby's problem, and my best guess is that this is a pattern with him enabling the in-laws. Doesn't mean I think she handled the situation flawlessly which I think is what she wants to hear, hence the clapback on any comments that smack of criticism.

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

This is SO true and because of that I'm having a hard time reconciling it with the fact that it's a huge red flag for me (and always is in these types of posts) when the husband leaves to "clear his head for a while" and leaves the kids with the wife. Her behavior is unacceptable here but I would also feel very abandoned if my partner left me home with kids to watch and blocked my number. Both of these people are miserably immature.

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

Wait who the fuck on the original post called OP the asshole. I'm outside I just wanna talk.

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

...that's not better. You understand that's not better, right?  And before you get into "that's normal where I live" this post is literally about someone defending themselves by saying "everyone else is doing it!" It was also normal where I grew up, which meant it was normal for me to find cat shit in the sandbox and for our flowerbeds to get dug up by neighbor cats. You're implying that the person in the post is an asshole but you're better because your pet does it unsupervised and with more property damage.

Edit: Changed "garden" to "flowerbeds" for non-US clarity

Get your money up, transphobic brokie

100% this. Everyone is saying oh she probably lives in a small town without a lot of options for dating. So? Like "I can fix him" is NOT the hero's journey you think it is. The fact that she was willing to look past all that until she connected the dots that it might actually affect her is concerning. In fact, the part where he is a religious racist homophobe yet she didn't assume he was also pro life until they had an argument about it is also pretty telling. But you're right, she's a teenager, so I hope she learns from this. Although based on her saying she's willing to take him back if he changes his mind, I have a feeling she's going to learn "as long as someone says they share my values it's fine" and not "when people are showing me exactly who they are through their words and actions I should pay attention and act accordingly" which is imo the more important take-away here.

Well I guess OP got what they wanted bc this thread is painfully straight. I am bi myself and at this point in my life I'm not interested in dating straight people at all. If you're a bi dude out there despairing at the state of these comments, do yourself a favor and try to find bi friends/date bi people. You will find yourself caring a little less what straight girls think.