Good! But here's my reasoning, from a distance: 😜

It looks like sci-fi/space fantasy, but the absence of (then) stars means the budget will be low which means it will look unconvincing.

However, it could lean into crappy FX in the service of comedy. Oooh! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Oh but if that cringe title reflects the style, it won't be funny. 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

So: unfunny comedy.

It's bad, isn't it? 😞

My own personal view:

Logical analysis requires carefulness, control and inhibition. IS encourages the opposite i.e. flow, spontaneity and indulgence.


In other words, stop idealising people and comparing yourself with them and turning your (always inaccurate) perception of them into a kind of goal for yourself. Kill the ideal. Face reality.

In more specifically Buddhist terms, don't let your meditation practice be derailed by ideals about what kind of meditation experience you should be having. Similar advice would apply to a creative practice.

I was extremely passive and built my happiness upon pleasing her.

Thank you x

I was lucky that they were desperate for new staff. I did spend some time coming up with a way to answer the question about the gap, so definitely prepare for that, but they didn't ask, and I answered the other questions well. 

I also had done some volunteer work during my unemployment which I'd added to my résumé and provided a recent reference.

Focus on the positive and the very best of luck to you.

15 please so I can choose to study A-level English, Art and Drama, instead of English, History and Politics.

Sure. I'd have been fine with the implication that decades of extreme experiments with the dark side had left him disfigured.


Thanks. Just bought an 8a. Will keep an eye out for that.

The people that do more work than they're paid for - and a work meeting is definitely work - end up getting taken advantage of.

The people that protect their boundaries get the most respect.

Same. I don't get the hate at all. The texture and relative warmth of the wood contrast pleasingly with the ice-cream.

Ah, bollocks. It was on my list :(

Wish they'd formulate a complete story, work out how many seasons it would take, and then just commit to making the whole thing.

If the quality is there, people will watch it, knowing they'll get a proper ending.

Are we talking about the solid white circle where the fingerprint reader is?

Just got an 8a. Bought a Spigen Liquid Air case and it fits and protects it really well. Recommended.

I can't get past George Lucas's panic over how to bridge the difference in appearance between prequel Palpatine and OT Palpatine, manifesting in the creative decision to have a lightning bolt melt his face.

It might be, for me, the single stupidest moment in the entire prequel trilogy and I'm genuinely surprised it doesn't get discussed more.

Is it possible to still download games you've previously purchased?

An imperfect sentence.

I'm more forgiving if it's a translation, but not much more.

If you're a professional writer and you've been professionally edited, there's no excuse for an imperfect sentence.

I did wonder that but if so it should be 'finds' when it looks like 'find.'

Ohh okay. Thought the second word was 'your.' Yeah, I think you're right.