“Snuggle the doggies for days” knowing damn well her ass will be back at the parks tomorrow lmao

I’m not sure, and this is super petty, but her voice is very irritating. She sounds like she has an egg lodged in her throat 

Right? Supposedly if you bump into them in the parks, they’ll introduce themselves 

And they are entitled to that! I’ve just never seen other creators with larger accounts that secretive about something as common as a first name and was curious 

Genuinely curious as to why the Mouselet’s are SOOOO secretive about their names. Unless they’re lowkey a family of serial killers, what’s the big deal..?

*vapid and *insufferable. Fixed it for her 

I have never seen someone talk about, at length, absolutely nothing the way she does. Like please just get a real job instead of rambling to your phone about your makeup routine falling apart and shilling your cheap ass jewelry??? 

the fact that she’s saying she needs extensive (and expensive) dental work done, yet is dropping $5k+ on a possibly authentic Chanel bag is so on brand for her 

She may be pretty on the outside but her personality makes her so god damn ugly overall