Don’t be. choking out ecosystems here, costs untold thousands to get them under control state wide.

Some are 90° off for the viewing angle.. like the bedroom

I see this a lot but is there any proof? I dont know the factory that ANY wheels are made in, how do so many people know this as fact?

If they do the 8 hours and get shit done why do you care? Are you ever late or leave early?

Portland, OR (Replace with bike and year)

A stiff wheel doesn’t prevent frame flex though :)

20+ Years

Same as it always was, my saucer pass got amazing though.

I returned a Scott bike since the proprietary stem was sold out worldwide with no timeline to return

20+ Years

During the pandemic I got some pucks and a shooting board and sat at the local tennis courts and shot for a while just to stop from getting rusty. As soon as we were allowed back on the ice I promptly fanned on the first shots in warmups since I shot maybe 1000 pucks wearing tennis shoes

You don’t have your routes go by the favorite bank building with the mirrored windows?

From the comments
re: Pong’s Concept Bike with Inline Skates (circa: mid to late 1990’s)
I actually spent several years perfecting (I repeat) perfecting a similarly designed bike before 1993. Where the Cannondale version proved to be unrideable – mine would have worked. Strange – but most of my drawings of that potential Concept Bike disappeared. So when the Pong/Cannondale bike showed up – with many uncorrectable flaws – I had to laugh … I used to be a Champion Track Cyclist (circa: 1960’s) so I knew the potential of my design.

I know I'm deviating from this thread but this is just *chefs kiss* casual throwing shade, drawings that happen to be missing, and obviously we all know the champion of bike races knows his stuff, I'm just shocked they didn't drop the "I'm an engineer" line.

I’ve used mine for Bikepacking before, they are very common in hot weather areas of the states that have a lot of fishing

30 Miles RT

Glass cutter? You misspelled "a rock from your own garden"

Most every flat I’ve had has been a fairly rapid flat. A small wire pokes the tube and then within seconds it’s toast. It could have happened a few blocks from your destination. The sidewall damage did not cause the flat, the flat happened and it got crushed between the rim and the road

You’re telling me! I saw a post on a managers subreddit where the person has 1 hour 1:1 meetings with each member of the 15 person team. Weekly. Cant find time to get anything done either I’m sure

20+ Years

Ha I have multiple long sleeve wicking layers from the various discount stores too. I pull the sleeves back up over the elbow pads to lock them in place. I also can use mine for when I’m going for runs in the morning

My wifes main office is many time zones away so she plans for a 630 am meeting (non camera), then back to bed for a bit, make coffee, some snacks, maybe just go back to sleep for an hour. My office wants a 630 meeting, I'm up at 530 to be ready, and then drive 25 min in, but then it's over in 30 min so I... just keep working.

You missed the whole point of the one sentence.

I don’t see any before pics so I just see a new roof and a not so great interior but also maybe the roof was leaking like crazy, the interior was full of cat piss stained floors, k+t wiring and galvanized pipe. Not my style but the choices are: wait for someone to come and save this house, or renovate like this, give me the renovation. People love to bemoan the flips and renovations but a lot of old home would be left to rot if they weren’t renovated.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with the “airplane homes” that have a hangar attached the house and they all share a private runway? My first thought was that this was a “driving range home” and they all circled a grass range that they hit balls into. The HOA dues would pay for a cart to clean up the balls once or twice a week and they would redistribute them to the houses as a service and they would all be the same golf balls etc. I grew up in Florida with thousands of golf course communities and it didn’t sound so crazy. Then I clicked on the pictures and it’s just an asshole hitting them into the soccer field and then having to go get them all himself.