i can see stephenie meyer wearing both of these outfits to give a talk at a twilight fan meetup

it would be a bit depressing if we did have soulmates. there's 8 billion people alive today, realistically your soulmate would be born in some country on the other sode of the world in a city you've never heard of speaking a language you'll never understand. almost no one would ever meet their soulmate...

yeah, it would be really difficult to be worse. if even half of the funds used for tunnels and weapons had made its way to the actual civilians they would be so much better off

to be absolutely fair to the Palestinians, hamas didn't enjoy an elected majority until after they started throwing the other elected officials off of buildings

Around the world, over Memorial Day weekend here in America, people watched on social media in horror as the IDF dropped 60 2000-pound bombs on a displaced persons camp in Rafah, burning tents and the refugees sheltering inside.

it's sadly fitting for this sort of thing that her tipping point was an event that did not happen. this is the problem with believing that teenagers making tiktok videos are an accurate source of information - that remains untrue even in the absence of journalists on the front lines

and as far as "weaponizing jewish history" goes, no one is more ghoulishly guilty of this than the ones who constantly make deeply offensive comparisons to the holocaust under the implication that jews should have learned some sort of special lesson from the various horrors inflicted on us throughout history, or who use their identities as a shield for their ignorance. even in a world where israel is guilty of everything she believes it is, nothing they have done remotely compares to the systematic extermination of not just jews but also roma and other groups by the nazis, and it's indicative of how depraved the rhetoric is in the pro-palestinian camp is that she can't see that

"no no no listen, this time our rabid glee about the deaths of jews is moral and just, we're the good guys this time around, it's totally different than when our grandparents and great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents and great-great-great-grandparents clapped and cheered for the deaths of jews"

I've already seen this take from western supporters, that the war is causing increased carbon emissions and so climate change is Israel's fault

the iron dome is purely defensive. advocating for ending it is by default saying that we should allow threats and/or attacks on israeli civilians in order to pressure the israeli government to ceasefire

I don't think I'd give him cash but I'd be willing to help with directly paying expenses; that said, the best bang for your buck assuming he's actually mentally ill would be getting him to a shrink that prescribes adderall or whatever. to my knowledge neither wellbutrin nor b12 actually help with adhd, he needs actual specific treatment for that. if he isn't willing, well, there's your answer

as someone who's scared of trump, i think for me what it feels like is that these are not the actions of people who genuinely believe that trump is going to install a fascist dictatorship, despite what they will continually insist. that should be soberingly terrifying to them. instead the response is "hehe fat cheeto covfefe eat mcdonald burger," the way you'd mock a horror movie monster that you know isn't real. when the demonstrated preferences of the blue team go strongly against the things they say they believe (demanding that we handle the risk of a fascist dictatorship by making light mockery of its theoretical leader, handing our guns to the state, instituting hate speech laws, normalizing fairly naked prosecutions of political rivals, glorifying physical violence against dissenters and so on) they look like liars and it raises the suspicion that the reason they're demanding these things is for some other reason they refuse to disclose.

I really like how dark it is! it's very cozy.

a teenage boy and girl in bunk beds together is gonna suck real bad for both of them imo but otherwise you're not wrong

I thought the first half was well done but the last half was very draggy, like one long action sequence that did not need to be that long

what a trippy thing for them to be told. "hi, millions of people online have constructed an extremely elaborate fantasy horror world based on a single picture of the back of your old furniture store, can we talk to you about it?"

I really don't think it's that deep. the loopholes are fair game because God is all powerful, and if he wasn't okay with that stuff he would have banned it. it's just really literal interpretations instead of trying to guess what the spirit of the rules is.

if god is omnipotent, then what's written is the best possible version of those rules. if he didn't want people to use the loopholes he wouldn't have left them 

at least i assume idk I'm not religious

i think they're fantastic in a burger with a black bean patty!

yeah, i was expecting to find that "millions" was like ten people, but in the end I think she might just be citing herself arguing in the shower

yeah i don't actually have any issue with people believing they are two spirit, although iirc the historical accuracy of that is a little suspect, but as you said it's a blatantly religious thing being strapped to the front of a movement presenting itself as legitimate science. even leaving aside the strange reverse Mormonism implications it's very difficult to argue that studies show that spirits are real and some people have two of them

also, isn't any large enough professional organization basically guaranteed to be disproportionately white because white people as a group are disproportionately old? according to the census stats, only 47 percent of the under-18 population is white, while 75 percent of the 65-84 demographic is, for example. when a large chunk of the nonwhite population is children or young adults then ofc groups of older adults will look too white next to the population average

I think the most interesting thing about pt is that she's SWFing contrapoints