This reminds me, they should get Corey Feldmen on as a freeloader instead of this guy

Is that even a stunt anymore? All kinds of guys get breast implants these days weather you support it or not, so I don't really see this as a stunt or anything worth doing other than being either a fetish or him actually wanting to transition. Is this for real?

It's crazy, when you hear the opening to Baware, you can actually hear how bald Charles Manson is.

Oh wow, it was just as bad as he said it was on twitter (not really) Get that fat Mexican aunt out of there

That was a metaphor, it's really about that guy feltching.

Damn, this reminds me of when Jon

He was energetic and somewhat entertaining the first day. But I think 85 percent of the fish unknowingly went through withdrawals from all the crap they enduldge in at home, such as weed, vapes, Adderall and alcohol. Even this season, Letty explained what she experiences while she sleeps, which sounds like classic symptoms of withdrawal.

They should have said that they were half black, she would have kissed their toes and invited them over

It's really scary to think that the single, Bad Fuckin Times, which is on Panic Blooms, came out in 2016. A whole three years before the album came out. I really hope we don't have too wait that long, but then again, I would happily wait forever for it, I just hope that it's another summer album.

For real, its wild, Vance looks a bit like my friends neighbor doesn't he?

One thing I'm confused about, where's the water? I've hardly seen anyone drinking anything. Is any of them drinking any water? I would be dehydrated as hell without drinking st least a little water

One thing I'm confused about, where's the water? I've hardly seen anyone drinking anything. Is any of them drinking any water? I would be dehydrated as hell without drinking st least a little water

Regarding Tay.

Tay, more like gay

That girl is so annoyingly ugly. With her weak, crackly voice and lame personality, I would smoke weed at her

What if Joe Biden walked by during this?

You and me both. Except I wait for the first 90 degree day of the year to listen to it. Doesn't hit right during the winter haha

He's moving up in the fat fuck ranks towards a lesser disgusting fat ass. One of the rare occasions in life where less is best.

How would someone not be able to stop their own body weight

He probably hasn't had the proper cocking his closeted ass has been unowingly desiring.

I just feel like he's young and naive. He was honestly a bit of a softy and a sweetheart at the beginning of the first season, and then it seems the show got to his head a bit. I've known guys like him who later have life hit them hard and they mature and grow as a better person, but sometimes they don't, hard to tell with him, he just looks like a harmless young boy to me, who may be a little retarded. Like maybe some better guidance from different role models would shape him differently. He is at that age where he picks bits and pieces off of older men to shape himself.