She definitely looks cuter without the tattoos let's be serious. Still a totally uncalled for and unnecessary thing to do

Ild pay extra to not have someone's goblin screeching in a flight. I can tolerate it in a short flight but international/couple hours? Nah fuck that

Hmm nothing's changed enough for me to feel 'safer' but I definitely feel more content knowing that criminals should be receiving less leniency and hopefully more frontline popo

I just really don't care what labour has to say. They had TOTAL power and what did they do with it? They could of walked the talk but they didn't and now I know they never will.

Israel claimed a fraction of the land they were allotted by the UN the day they formed. The territory they have now is from the war they won against the 6 Islamic nations that declared war on the day they formed.

They did go into the then state of Palestine, they lived their for decades, we're legally awarded the smaller portion of the state of Palestine by the UN who owned it post ww1, claimed a smaller portion after the UK bailed due to the civil war, defended it from 6 other nations, and expanded upon winning a war they didn't start.

I haven't ever had anyone yell at me as a daily bus catcher 5/7 days a week. The only part I dislike on the bus are other bus catchers who are rude/crazy etc

Getting a feed from door dash is nearly 50 bucks lol

America's reputation is down the toilet from Biden and Trump senile old men running 'the world's strongest nation

Not really no. Most people have 2 coffees a day which is the same as a energy drink

You shouldn't say such harsh things about yourself. I'm sure you have positive traits.

I would never wait that long before jumping in fuck me what a shit owner

Fixing someone physically is nothing related to conversion therapy, that was a reach.

You literally just described why trans people are mentally ill 40% of trans people have tried to commit suicide. Clearly that's a negative effect.

Its no longer considered one because as referenced it was stated to be stigmatizing like my original point that the only reason it's accepted as a non illness is due to a cultural shift.

Again if you want to be trans go for it. But you're not not fooling anyone to as what you are

Curing illness isn't ethically or morally wrong. Leaving people ill and disabled when you can fix them is wrong.

What opinion did I have of you lol I'm only replying to your comments I haven't spoken about you as a individual

Edit: the confusion I assume stems from me saying 'youre' when responding to your if someone was born with the wrong brain in body statement. When I said you're I don't mean literally you I meant you're as the individual within the talking point

We can't because we're not trying to. Not being able to cure something with current methods doesn't mean we shouldnt be seeking a cure.

You're not born with a male brain in a female body, you're born with a mentally ill female brain.

A 2016 review reported that the brain structure of early-onset gynephilic trans men generally corresponds to their assigned sex.

I listed a bunch of groups that don't 'fit' in just as much or more than trans people and you still have higher suicide rates, because you are mentally ill and aren't getting proper treatment.

Eugenics would imply breeding out disability. Seeking a cure is not eugenics.

Gay people, indigenous people, murderers, pedophiles, homeless people, countless amounts of groups don't 'fit' in yet trans peoples suicide rates are still higher.

"The diagnosis was renamed from gender identity disorder to gender dysphoria, after criticisms that the former term was stigmatizing"

I wouldn't know how to treat it, I also don't know how to cure cancer. That doesn't mean I don't think we shouldn't search for a cure.

GID was and was only changed to gender dysphoria in 2013 as trans LGBT etc became increasingly socially acceptable. Mentally healthy and normal people don't off themselves the people who do are mentally ill.

Being left handed isn't caused from a mental illness. Gender dysphoria or really GID is a well document mental illness we've somehow convinced ourselves indulging in delusion is treatment for it as their suicide rates are sky high both pre and post transition

It's not normal, they're a tiny fraction of the population which is against the definition of normality and the reason they are the way they are is a diagnosed mental illness. If someone tells me they can unironically fly I know they're mentally ill and Ill humor them so that they're happy but I know and everyone else knows they can't fly.

The British empire ended because they stopped colonizing and conquering lol

So many whiny people here. Imagine having a short life and being such a boring stale piece of bread.