Claiming moderator of a subreddit and in an alone act delete all of the posts is actually unhinged, then you could just have made a new subreddit. At this point you are just fucking around while you yourself claim you have no time, yet impose major changes in single act without consulting your "community driven" subreddit first. But hey, everyone is impressed about how you've saved that poor subreddit.

The last part wasn't even to say that you are a cheater. It was a sentiment that such bad, verifiably false argumentation was something I'd expect someone to bring up to swing a mood in their favor without delivering reason.
I'm not trying to start shit by responding to your dumbass arguments that you refuse opinion or objection on.

You are an impossible hypocrite, claiming me fear mongering while you start out with "You're risking getting this sub banned irreversibly." when there's never a chance of that happening, because it's a whole process that contains like a dozen in-between steps that all can be reversed.

I'm gonna pull a you card now and say I'm not interested in your opinion or objection on my post now, so I probably won't respond to your reply.

Selbst wenn man das noch auftauen würde, bei so einem starken Gefrierbrand käme da nur noch Matsch in the Pfanne.

All you know is that I disagreed with your arguments, that you put there with the final remark "I'm not interested in your opinions or objections", only to show up to my comment and be condescending about how I'm creating chaos to your order and people have to be "warned" of it.

You have a very pronounced savior complex, just like you are now putting yourself up as new, sole moderator of the other TF2 sub. Which is now "new and improved" thanks to you after all, in your words, while you are making up your own rules on the fly starting out by deleting all old posts.

You know absolutely nothing about me, or my type. But that just shows what kind of moderator you are going to be.

  • People aren't posting cheater profiles for Valve to check. They are posting them so others can join in reporting them, after which Valve can decide if they warrant a ban.
  • More reports on the same user is always more noticeable, it's like that in any report system.
  • Public Steam profiles are not protected private information that needs any censoring in line with Reddit TOS. Even then, the sub would get a warning first.
  • Valve can easily track moved items through chains of accounts, possibly even revealing more bot accounts. They are already doing it by tracking scammed items.

No statement in your post is correct. This is a post I would expect a cheater to make to protect his buddies.

Das hört sich nach einem ganz einfachen Kabel an dass gegen den Lüfter hängt.
Vorallem sind Noctua-Lüfter sicherlich fehlerfrei aus der Fabrik.

Wäre hier mehr sichtbar als ein absolut grundloses schwarzes Bild, würde es direkt auffallen.
Auch noch bevor hier wieder Leute anfangen bezüglich einer Garantie Angst zu machen, weil man es gewagt den PC, den man öffen kann, zur Wartung zu öffnen.

The game does tell that killing enemies with one beam gives ammo for the other, and that charging it also fires it when out of ammo.

Instead of asking your buddy or asking Google, you made a post on Reddit.

You twist the middle part.

Als Motorradfahrer: Es eine Kombination von engen/steilen Rampen fahren, Lautstärkebelästigung wegen Auspuff-Echo in der Betonhalle, ignorieren von Schranken oder Technikprobleme und letztendlich was geht denn so ein Motorradfahrer groß einkaufen wenn er doch keinen Stauraum mitbringt der Parkplatz braucht.

(Das meiste davon ja schon erwähnt)

You compare the images on the marketplace with the original Shoei X-14 Laverty and hope that you get the same helmet when you go pick it up.

Also check when you pick it up for drop damages and sweated through padding.

Tire rubber degrades over the years, that's the cracks you see. They are expected to be replaced after around 5 years, regardless of use.

You can confirm age by looking at the DOT number printed on the tire. If the code reads XX19 or below, it should be replaced.

This is dead beyond redemption.

The only possible recovery of any value is a very specialized repair of desoldering the GPU to transplant it on a donor PCB.

It's just ease of manufacturing.

Soldering on an one-sided heatsinking aluminum PCB is a difficult task, so if they can just add more connectors in the same step as the SMDs, and skip hand soldering the other side altogether, it's a win.

Level 1

Das ist jetzt nur wieder einen Artikel basierend auf einer Studie von 350 Leuten mit Zahnschmerzen bezugslos nacherzählt.

Natürlich sind Mengen größer 400mg trotzdem allgemein schmerzlindernder, vorallem bei Übergewicht.

People ride 50cc scooters all the time, everywhere, nobody even cares other than joking about them.
You have the same protection on a scooter, as on a motorcycle.

Then you go the next step, a 125cc motorcycle that usually only barely reaches enough speed to actually be safer by not being a hinderance to cars in traffic, people will claim just sitting on them means you will die.

You may be able to convince your parents to get a scooter, but I'd expect a 19 year old to make decisions about their life for themselves without asking their parents for permission.

Engine displacement isn't everything. For it's 1100cc, it's only got like 50 HP.

It will be just fine to start with that, your biggest problem is going to be learning how to shift gears.

There are several reasons why tire profile depth is important, including hydroplaning, rolling noise, dampening of road imperfections, fuel efficiency and so on.

There's no "take" to have here, this is a broken tire with verifiably diminished properties that won't pass inspection and, knowing your country, is illegal to use.

At best, this is yet another troll post.

Google returning the death sentence for website traffic that calls itself "being listed on page 2".

It's a quirk of this Aorus motherboard that all RGB lights flash up on first power connected, the flash at the beginning is one of those LEDs.

It seems like some PSU protection kicking in regardless, that prevents the PSU from switching the internal relay from standby power to active.

Right. Just have a special kind of lock cylinder so you can't get locked out by your smart lock failing.

Also replace the battery at 50% out of fear that the lock might just stop working, bringing us back to the first post of the thread.

Locking yourself out of your home is not some edge case you can fancy mindset yourself out of, it's a problem.
Unnecessarily adding a point of failure is indefensible.

You can't use the lock with a regular key anymore, because the keyhole is blocked by the key used to automate it.

Battery level indicators for motors are generally unreliable, because the highest power draw/voltage drop happens when the motor is straining to turn. It might report just fine, if it reports it at all, and then fail to open on a frosty day.

Your anticipation came to a sudden stop, now you have a void to fill by actually using the motorcycle.

Von schlecht war nicht die Rede. Es ist aber immer bequemer die Brille beim Abnehmen/Aufsetzen vom Helm nicht ausziehen zu müssen, bzw. durchs Visier wieder zu positionieren.

Jethelme helfen nicht wenn man nach vorne fällt. Integralhelme sind unbequem zu nutzen für z.B. Brillenträger und nicht unbedingt notwendig da mit 50ccm keine starken Windgeräusche anfallen.

Ein Klapphelm ist am besten geeignet.

Doesn't sound like a grinding fan because it changes frequency too fast, but like an extreme case of CPU power related coil whine.
In that case there are no options to fix it other than replacing likely the motherboard, possibly claiming warranty.

Check where the noise is actually coming from, if it's from the CPU socket area, or the PSU. From the video it sounds to be in the upper part of the case, placing it on the motherboard.
Also to confirm that it is not caused by a fan, place a finger on each fan hub to stop it manually and see if the noise stops as well.