Sorry, did I add an erroneous apostrophe in there....

He'll be on hold for ages.....

Did you forget to add "/s" at the end of that??

Of course, you can use the leaves twice and they still taste great

vents needed…!

I hate my conservatory! Biggest waste of money ever. Baahhhh

These people are honestly dumb beyond belief

Unfortunately they're also allowed to vote.

Now shall I add "/s" here or not.....

Don't confuse the swastika with the Nazis flag. Don't accuse the "Jewish person" to be as ill informed as you obviously are.

Don't make videos of someone's pride and joy - a van - and try to incorrectly call them out. You'll only make yourself look stupid....

OP - perhaps the person that owns it served or was associated with the Japanese Defense force as it is the current flat flown by them - noting the navy uses a 16 ray version and the Army an 8 ray version. The flag originated circa 1603 and was also used during WWI when Japan fought with the allies.

There is no denying the atrocities they carried out in WWII. That is unforgivable. May I suggest you do some research before you make yourself look like a fool in future?

Edit: spelling

Grammar: the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse.

If you want to turn it on you generally start with something like a gin and tonic...

I read it as unpaid reasonable additional hours - most contacts have this - and additional paid overtime which you don't have a choice on??

Apologies but that's bad advice. You cannot rely on an individual to be nice and not enforce something you have agreed to in a contract. If the person moves on then the new one may well enforce it - which they are entitled to do so as you agreed to it.

If I were the OP I would ask for clarification as this is not normal. After all, the working time directive is there for a reason.

Edit: spelling

So I went to fill this in. It asks for pets names. Do you want my mother's maiden name, my d.o.b. and my place of birth also?

Sorry, this may well be genuine but I am reluctant to fill it in.

If you had put it into your pension, it would have been tax free at source. Your talking about potential tax on savings interest on money that has already been taxed in your wage.....