Not only that but she said she had to go to NJ for a particular type of surgery but there are only 3 types of surgery for scoliosis and there is a renowned surgery center in California drivable from their home that does all 3 types of surgery. This was likely why kody was so pissed and probably lying edited out of the scene

We’ve been together 35 years. I have serious stomach issues but even at that I rarely fart anywhere near him. He also either goes to CA another room or 10 feet away. I don’t think there’s any reason for others to smell noxious gas coming out of someone else .

Yes on occasion one sneaks out but we laugh it off.

It’s only giving something up if it’s important to you. Likewise, if the repercussions are what you’re doing truly affect you in a negative way.

In Trumps case, giving up a 400k salary did not affect his lifestyle negatively. In fact, considering everything else is paid for, food, trips, clothing, etc he’s probably flush. As far as the hatred of millions, he looks upon that as because it gives him the adulation of millions and the ability to spin his web of propaganda to his followers, ie” see how much they hate me because I’m trying to change all the things they fucked up in this country.

So he gives up and loses nothing . Instead he gets the things he most craves adulation and power.

If up till this point he’s been a good husband and dad, go to counseling. Some men based on how they’re raised have a very hard time being sexually attracted during and after pregnancy. I suspect this is his issue because he’s used to seeing women as sexually attractive based on internet porn standards.

Peer pressure often works in our favor. A parent can say something a thousand times and it’s ignored, a classmate says it once and it’s the word of God.

I’m old and a nurse and can tell you with certainty after using it myself on over 40 infants and recommending it to umpteen adults for their own and their child’s use, plain white dial bar soap is one of the most gentle and thorough soaps out there.

It has cleared diaper rash in infants and I’ve never heard of it causing dryness or rash.

Edit to answer DMs, Many baby diaper rashes are caused by buildup of the chemicals on baby wipes, urine and stool. To get rid of most rashes in 48 hours. Instead of using wipes wash the babies behind in the sink with white Dial bar soap and rinse in tepid water. Pat dry. Slather a good layer of Desitin or Vaseline near anal area avoiding the urethra in girls. If it isn’t cleared or almost cleared in 48 hours see your pediatrician as it may be yeast or other type of infection/ rash and requires medication.

The finale haters will never acknowledge the facts you just listed. There are many more examples of her finally crossing the line to destruction and war mongering. How about her final order other than arresting Tyrion, ie slaughtering all the Kings landing soldiers. She said “ let it be fear” and she meant it.

I’m not sure what kind of lead up to her insanity they wanted. Her to start biting the heads off rats?

They took it off the market and removed the chemicals responsible for some of the serious side effects. It’s been back on the market for quite a while.

They knew they were signing up for someone disturbing the peace from 11pm till 4 in the morning? You’re in the wrong thread. You should post your opinions in AITAH.

Btw. I have no problem with fireworks up till 10–1030. After that is purposely rude as there’s no reason for it and disturbs the majority of Citizens sleep. That can have serious consequences m.

The only “ personal detail “ she asked about was if Ariana found Tom sexually attractive. While they briefly discussed whether or not they were having sex it sounded like they had already discussed this in the past and Ariana had told Rachel they were rarely having sex.

What am Zi missing?

35 year nurse here. I know you said you don’t want advice but I’ve experienced a lot of what you’re feeling and know other nurses in the same boat.

I suspect you are experiencing severe burnout from your career. As nurses we see and know too much. Everyday we see the worst in humanity physically or emotionally. As caregivers we take a piece of the pain, horror, sadness with us in our minds and hearts. We’ve cared for oatients who’ve lived amazing, wonderful lives helping others or raising wonderful families die in horrible ways. We’ve seen every injustice age and illness inflicts in a human.

All of that is stored in us. Some people are able to get rid of this cloud of pain and darkness others can’t. I’d say before you do anything or give up hope, find a nursing job without patient care, like in an insurance company. See how you feel in a year when the constant barrage of pain is gone.

Trust me your life matters to this world. If you could follow each patient and their family members you would see how you’ve changed lives for the positive.

I hope you find peace.

I think now that Kim’s kids are getting into tween territory, talking back, not listening she’s realizing that the easy part of parenting is when you can control what your kids think and do. It’s all “ aren’t I a great parent, my kids are so wonderful”. Once they start to rebel and tell you you’re FOS then the illusions of parenthood as worth the work start to come into question as does your ability as a parent.

I think her comments to Khloe are related to all this as Khloe kids are still little and she only has 2 to deal with. Kim is feeling a failure as a parent and sees Khloe in the honeymoon phase and is jealous.

I’m still waiting for a post that says” We’ve been polyamorous for 20 years and my wife and I are happier now than when we married” or “in the middle of our latest 3some my wife and I won the Powerball”.

There’s never been a positive post here about open relationships other than “ had the greatest orgasm of my life” that of course is worth, a broken relationship, divorce, STDs, unwanted pregnancy, abortion, kids finding out. What humanity won’t do for an orgasm.

Ariana spoke just as many demeaning things to and about Kristen all while knowing she did cheat with Tom and he did sleep with Miami Girl.

I’d say objectively that’s about as low as a woman can go. So yes Scandoval is scum but the women are just as bad at lying and demeaning other women. We can’t change the men but we can stop idolizing and financially supporting women who do this.

The actor has a completely different character in the series Rome and he’s fabulous!

Nursss , doctors, ems, police all work night shift, many 12 hours. Many sleep right up until they have to leave for work. It’s hard enough to sleep in the late afternoon and evening without booms every 3 minutes for hours. Lives depend in all those people.

Well Ariana waited 8 years to tell the truth about Miami girl and only did it to prove Tom was a serial cheater and how devoted she was to him. She also admitted he had an affair in 2020-21.

So she stuck with him and faked a relationship. Not only did fans not blink an eye but they actively deny how good of a liar she’s been and attribute her lying to how much she loved Tom.

Why do fans assume Ariana was so in love with Tom? How do we know she wasn’t just sticking around because there wasn’t anyone else to hook up with and VPR money kept rolling in for the IT couple. Maybe this is why she rarely had sex with him.,.

There were many ambushes or strategies of surprise of warfare straight through the Middle Ages despite scouts being used since the ancient Greeks.

I lived through those times and the difference is we as a country still had a unified identity as Americans. The time period to compare it to that I think is more accurate is pre Civil War because each side felt the other did not believe and were not acting as true Americans. There was a demonization of the other side which is exactly what we have now.

I think it happened at the January 6th insurrection but Most Americans fooled themselves into believing everyone there was some truck driving incel with a confederate flag who lived in their mom’s basement. In fact, many of the people there were vets, 9-5 workers without a criminal record, etc. History has shown us time and again that ordinary people are capable of great evil.,

There’s a reason patriarchy has continued for eons. Whether we’re hardwired due to recent genetic memory or if we are ingrained early in with the “ dad(man) can fix all our problems” the reason makes no difference, most believe deep down there is one man who will be able to fix our lives.

So when you add the two together, ordinary people capable of great evil with an ingrained belief a man can fix our problems, fascism, dictatorships will always be a possibility.

Does your boyfriend have family support to raise the baby? If so, this may be a good option if there’s any part of you that feels you may want to be a part of its life down the road

And yet the millenials believe boomers had it so easy financially!! I bought my first 3 bed 1 bath no basement 900sq ft home in the Midwest in 1980 for 47k, however the interest rate FHA was 14 3/4. Couple that with inflation and we literally had Pennie’s left over after expenses. We drove beater cars and rarely ate out. Most people under 45 don’t know what real struggle is.

Many boom

You’re so right. I think the person most responsible is Howard Stern. He basically made Americans believe there is no such thing as shame and anything goes as long as you are making money from it. That was followed by the Kardashian and Hilton sex tapes and their rise to fame and fortune beyond belief and that cemented the culture.

There’s a whole generation of women 20-45 who made Ariana Madix, a proven liar and cheater a multimillionaire because she was cheated on and betrayed by a friend. They actually take vacations to LA to stand in line 3-4 hours to get a puny sandwich from her shop. All because they wish they had been treated like a rockstar after they were cheated on.

There are hundreds of thousands of more deserving women to be idolized and financially supported.