Reviews on Fulgrances, Laundromat with new chef Nazareno Mayol?

Anyone check this out since he started in March?

I just mean every comment van made was race based. I get it that there’s a place for that but on this pod - Jerry M is a piece of history, there’s way more to talk about than that and it seemed like he took away from a lot of the pod.

Fr. Dude made the same as a black dude joke in his cartoonish voice like 20 times

Who can you think of that really likes dodge chargers

Old Baratheon at least had some thick muscle built up from his years of war under all that flab. Kyle has just been a regular at bars and smoking cigs. There’s no strength behind that mass

There’s def plenty of white trash on bikes tbh. Lots of guys who are like 30+ doing wheelies like buddy get a life

Hahaha. In my experience if you can get a big smoker set up it’s really not that hard. Theres a reason people all over the US are getting into smoking. I’ve worked at a smoke house and it just takes practice - it’s all about temperature control. You’re pry not gonna be as good as joes but the premium you’ll pay a BBQ spot for a colab is not worth what you’d be able to do on your own long term.

Interesting. Obviously sounds good but also a bit niche. Would probably have to be a sit down spot at that point. Personally I might just factor that into your menu in creative ways while trying to appeal to as many people as possible, rather than the theme of the entire restaurant.

I do tend to gravitate towards classic carry out burritos more than the loaded restaurant type.

One way i might fuse it might be to just smoke a lot of your meat like classic KC BBQ and keep other ingredients classic mex. Even that would be enough to get a tasty smoky flavor incorporated.

Also a good burrito spot kills if it’s fresh and affordable. Lots of house made salsas are the mark of a good local burrito spot IMO

We could use more local Delis/sandwich shops IMO. I find myself going to jimmy johns too often. Downtown at least

It’s an institutional problem. A DA who’s hard on crime would be a good start.

We need cops to be more aggressive on this too. Just because you can’t fix it with one step doesn’t mean you don’t take that step

I mean the Mexicans in low riders and black guys on bikes in their sheisties do this every weekend downtown so it’s not like this is a once in a year occurrence

I think people on this sub would be surprised how the good majority of NBA players talk around their friends

When he went up for his late game free throws he messed with his eye for 30 seconds to let everyone know how tough he was for playing through it

People are absolutely ignorant about this. I feel like there’s a lot of people who live in the suburbs commenting about how there’s nothing to be done or it’s not that bad. Live downtown for a summer and then tell me it’s not that bad.

“What can we do about all the homeless people being aggressive and smoking crack on the sidewalks?”

person who never steps foot downtown: “we’ll let me tell you about how tough of an issue homeless is first blah blah blah”

We know brother and I get it it’s tough but something needs go be done about the people doing drugs on the street and making downtown a dangerous place.