More than you know, anything can really happen given time and care, October 7th happened and Ukraine happened.

Your grandparents were quite young during the events that took place, it's quite fascinating and terrifying how coomitted to the cause a population can be under such pressing circumstances.

He was commander in a specific unit yes? Did he actually achieve a higher position? The Russians were well-known for treating the German prisoners pretty badly, nearly all adult-males were forced to labor to rebuild countries like Poland and Czechia and were given little pay or care for their well-being, it was due to the deshumanization campaign carried against Germans as a whole by the Soviet high-command.

I imagine the one under Russian captivity was rather broken yes? The Russians were not known for their knidness concerning the POW question.

As for the female side of your family: My condoleances.

Interesting, he was a double-agent for the U.S then? He was trained in covert operations and whatnot?

I understand, i had a grandfather who participated in the Indochina wars on behalf of the French, later on he resigned being part of the French army through he did speak of his experiences with local Vietnamese peasants.

Are you perhaps aware of the battle he took part in? I have looked a bit at the events that took place in the Eastern front through i have no further knowledge of it.

Are you Jewish or Polish? Any type of testimony is quite welcome.

Interesting, thank you for your contribution, if you don't mind me asking what rank did your relatives belong to at that time? Were they just soldiers or unit commanders?

Be more specific, were they part of the wehrmacht or were they just normal civilians and whatnot?

A meme born as a result of...anti-whiteness. WWK would not exist if people did not make the silly claims that the majority of ancient Egypt was black. Which it wasn't.

You know this doesn't make sense, Egypt is a not white nation and never has been one, the only whites present in the ancient world were the Gauls and Germanics, both of whom were considered barbarians by the Romans and in the case of the former were forcefully conquered and assimilated to the point of near extinction.

Boers are quite numerous on 4chan and many of them get radicalized there, so they're well aware of the memes and slander targeting blacks and Africans in general, they don't hate us in the same way other flags do however, some really do hate Africans however, no matter where you're from.

So why can't that next superpower be us then? Why are we so weak that we let ourselves be bullied by these governments?

Muslims are never going to get out of this mess unless we pool our collective effort into gathering enough redources and cohesion to be able to stand amongst the superpower of the age, maybe even become the superpower of the age.

They had a 1;5 k/d ratio against the soviets, look up Operation Barbarossa, the only reason the soviets won was because they kept throwing more men out of the 34 million they had available versus 13 million Germans. Israel by contrast with it's army numbering up to 1 million men can't handle 20,000 Palestinian guerillas.

The West is arrogant enough to think that it can set the value of human life arbitrarily according to their specific needs, little do they know that if they keep this up it'll backfire badly like in Ukraine where the Russians invaded in the same fashion the Americans did.

I know, the comparison is just but at least the Nazis won battles against the Soviet union, Israel needed the help of France and the UK to handle Egypt during the Suez crisis.

Israelis are a worse version of the nazis.

You're giving Israel too much credit, the Nazis reached Moscow and Stalingrad whereas Israel can't handle Hamas, a group of guerillas counting no more than 20,000 men max.

They didn't want to go to war with the Germans at that time, as they knew they stood no chance against the might of the Nazi military, they became a quasi-vassal to NATO and served them in the Korean war however, Turkey lost the power and influence it had during Ottoman times.

I know the Frogs backstabbed you in 1790 when they invaded Egypt buy didn't Wilhelm ii regularly visit the Sultan in his palace?

Besides, don't Turks commit less crime per capita than Eastern Europeans and other MENA ethnicities?

Weren't Turks and Germans allies less than a hundred years ago? Germans look down on most non-west European peoples including Slavs and Turks to an extent, but from i've seen and heard Germans hate Eastern Europeans more than Turks as a rule.

Speak English you moron, nobody understands your incoherent bablings.

Meditation seems useless, i'm also hyperactive and thus it doesn't have any real effect on me.