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Rory McIlroy has the purest golf swing I’ve ever seen

I understand. But even painting job… Let’s say a potential customer tells me they need 3 rooms painted. Maybe I get to ask a few questions.
I then quote the guy $650 per room to paint, walls, ceiling, trim and doors- 2 coats, paint included.

We get to the job and it turns out the walls are smoke damaged/stained and they need a few coats of special primer.

The owner is gonna have to pay more. It’s now a change order and he’s gonna be pissed right?

I did tons of sales training in another career.
Yes you want to get them a number, fast. But you don’t want to lock yourself in.

If I used your service I’d have to have a disclaimer that the quote is merely a quote and not binding.
And that the real proposal or invoice will be presented after we see the job.

I’m a general contractor and I also have a service biz. I feel like this would lock me into a number and there might be more to the project. How do you overcome that?

Used to swim there in high school. Like 40 years ago. Never saw a witch.

I used to have a roofer working for us. Didn’t talk to the guy for a couple years. Called him one day. He had fallen off a roof. The guy was in bad shape.

It looks like a man needs to apply for a job there and see what they say. If they don’t hire him… could be trouble

Thank you. It’s definitely hard. Especially dealing with her. And for the record, I have three kids from two totally different women. I have experience with this. They all act the same in my opinion.

New mommies are ridiculous. You hear a lot of narcissist statements and you’ll experience a lot of bossiness and bitching. Take the higher ground always. That’s all you need to know.

Awesome sledding Hill .

If you live in an area where you get snow. You could probably charge money to slide down that thing.

I have two Ford F150s. One is personal, and one is for work.

Yeah, I don’t understand. Is he a general contractor? Or is he working for a general contractor?

Either way, the way to approach the job is by the following ..

1). First step to 1000 foot view overview of the project… summarizing major steps.. calculating ballpark costs.

2). If it’s really, really big job, you may want to get a memorandum of understanding, with the financier.

3). Plans. Not sure whose responsibility this is in your world but as soon as you have a decent copy of something close to the final drawings, start estimating the work.

4). Buy-in. At this point you don’t want to do too much work without knowing whether or not you’re getting the project so you’ll have to get some sort of commitment from the financier.
Sometimes we do this with a preconstruction agreement. Sometimes we’re ready with the actual scope of work and proposal.

5). Submit a professional proposal and scope of work, with all attachments, pictures, diagrams required.
Send the proposal and shut up. Don’t say a word.(sales tactic)

That’s how I’d handle it

Rarely. Its unprofessional. But actually… we did it recently. It was crazy hot the other day and we had our crew working and two tradesmen working with their guys… they all worked all day really hard and in conjunction with each other… so not only did we buy lunch for everyone… but we also brought a case of cold ones at the end of the day.

I thought it was a good deal

Been thinking about starting a new sub but only for licensed GCs & trades

Doesn’t exactly work. The water evaporates out of a towel faster than it takes for the hot beer to get cold. Obviously I’ve done this once or twice

Was and still is, “wanna get laid”. I am 53.