Sim card for EUQuestion

If the destinations are Switzerland, France, Spain, and Portugal (20days), which sim card is highly recommended? Considering the phone is unable to use eSIM service and that I mostly use social media, Google Maps, and Spotify.

I've seen some people recommending Vodafone and Orange, but for Vodafone it's around $30USD for 22GB here. Or should I go to the local store to buy the SIM card? (the 1st stop is Geneva)


This morning, I dreamt of the war. And one of the solider in Airforce fell from the aircraft right in front of me while being shot and he was looking at me in terror and asked me to help.

definitely the Healthcare system like what the actual hell is that

  1. They claim they don't use social media
  2. They refuse to call/FaceTime, or they constantly find excuses for it
  3. They lovebomb you within 2 weeks
  4. They show a pic and it seems to be cropped from somewhere else (or it's blurry every time)

Hello, I'm sorry for what you've been going through. I understand that you lost someone you've been relying on an who had become part of your daily routine, especially when you devoted your feelings inside. This is not easy to get through when you feel like being abandoned, you may feel like this for a long time, feeling insecure, and have trust issues, etc. Especially under the conditions of your mental situations. Saying goodbye to let go is difficult. But sadly the truth is, I think he already made his point very clear with you.. begging him to come back may not be the best option, not to mention self-harm. I believe that you are a great person. So take your time to feel sad, but also set a time to try taking care of yourself to recover. It's going to take a long time, but you will feel better when you refocus on yourself. Your life still has a really long time to go on, and during your life there will be couple of heartbreaks, you'll grow from it. You are valued.

p.s if you really feel depressed, remember to seek for help

good luck and take care 🧡

for me, I think that sense comes from a thought/feeling that "it's hard to find a compatible person to really communicate, be ourselves, etc and that person will try to understand". The "person" I mentioned here, doesn't have to be a significant other, it could be a friend, a stranger, etc.

I met many people before and have really close friends irl as well, but sometimes this kind of loneliness will strike me out of nowhere as feeling like no one understands me or I don't belong in any group.

Hey, I think it is better for you 2 to stay as friends. Because even if you get back together, those things may still be bothering you and i dont think it'd end up with a happy result (sorry).

I'm sorry for what had happened to you before, LDR seems to be needing lots of communicate, honest, etc. But I won't say there's not teeny tiny little hope for a happy LDR. I'd suggest you take some time to walk away from these memories and focus on yourself first to heal :)

Wish you all the best!

as someone who lives in dorm with roommates, I always go outside to have a call with someone because I want the privacy and I dont want to bother my roommates.

So I don't think this is a red flag, but I agree with the other comments that try to communicate with him to know more :)

I'm sorry to hear this.. but heartbreaking sucks.. It's driving me crazy and all. I wish you all the best, and let's get over it soon. Send you a virtual hug!

no worries! I'll try to get better soon haha thank you so much 💛

It's okay, just need some time haha Thank you so much tho, wish you all the best as well :)

I felt abandoned / ditched by someone without explanation.

[22] ⚠️WANTING⚠️ distractions from heartbreak

Hello to whoever is reading this post, thank you for the attention. I'm currently going through a heartbreak and I'd like to have some distractions to get over it/not to think of it. so a quick random talk will be accepted as well

Here's some basic info about me: 1. I'm 22 and from somewhere in Asia (I like to stay mysterious, soo maybe don't try to ask my country first, thank you💛) 2. I like to learn languages and cultures (if there's anyone would like to do language exchange are welcomed! ES/KR/CH👌) 3. I love FRIENDS and related sitcoms (HIMYM, Brooklyn 99, etc) 4. I am a huge foodie, favorite thing is hotpot and pasta, but i hate seafood. (but i still eat sushi) Yes I love durian as well, it's creamy. 5. I like old films, roman holiday is my favorite. I love music as well, I'm addicted to Post Malone recently.

I'd like to hear from your jokes, biggest memes, darkest humor, coolest traditions, favorite song, dogs, cute/handsome guys/women pics, your idols, your favorite story, gymrat, etc. Basically anything will be fine. I just really want to have some distractions.

p.s sorry if I reply super slow, my school loading is heavy recently.

I understand this feeling, wish you all the best. send you an air hug.

Thank you so much. Sadly I think I really lost him, even though I really want an explanation. Because I kinda thought I meant something to him as well (as an important friend).

I want to tag him in the post, but I'm afraid that it'd only make him more mad and less wanting to talk to me again.

Thank you, this means a lot to me.


Thank you so much for all these comments, it really made me feel a little bit better and being understood. Sadly, I guess I really lost him for unknown reasons. And it's true that you said I felt abandoned.

I feel really heartbroken because I finally tried to trust someone, but it still ended up in this way. Even he promised, and I thought he would never be the one who'd treat me like this. But I guess I was wrong. Things like this happened a few times to me before, but this reminded me of some nightmares I've been through when I was a teenager. I spent years to recover, or at least tried to be better. Now, that tower is crashed again.

I really want an explanation, but to him we are strangers anyways..

I need some time to cope with this situation, and need a really long time to heal this heartbreak.

Thank you so much for your words, it really means a lot.

I said you're right because I understand and agree. but doesn't mean I am accepting and consuming this idea immediately. Yes, I have major issues to deal with, and I am making excuses for myself. That's true. Because I can't and refuse to face the truth right now. Will I die if I never talk to him again? probably not. but I do feel like dying right now. I won't really commit suicide, but doesn't mean I wasn't suicidal. I want to deal with my deep rooted issues as well, but right now I just feel helpless and can't focus on anything.

Sorry, you are right. Logically/realistically I should not and basically impossible to only want him and no one else. But for me, right now, at this moment, I only want him and want him back. I'm attached, I guess. I'd like to stay as friends with him. I just don't want to lose him and I don't want this kind of troubles affect us. I'm not that 1 percent nor the other 99 percent. I'm an outlier. so that's why when someone shows up in my life and can treat me/face me in the way, I just can't move on from them, I want to cherish them and they'd always have some huge parts in my mind.

Please come back to me.

I met this person on Reddit, I fell for him hard, really hard. He's like the best thing that I could ever ask for, and he's everything I want.

my 2022 sucks, but ever since I talked to him, everything seemed to be full of hopes and happy again. He's respectful, he is good at calming me down, he communicates with me, he never be aggressive to me, and so much more. He gave me all the trusts.

But I was so stupid and I broke his trust by saying something wrong and maybe accidentally let him feel like I'm sleeping with different guy every day, but I'm really really not. We stopped talking and it seemed like hes blocked me here already..

but I only want him, I only like him.. I want to do many little things with him, I want to let him have all my supports, etc.

I wish I can go back time and punch myself for doing things like this. I wish he could come back to me.

This is the most dreadful and devastating heartbreak I have after 18. I can't stop crying and feeling anxious. I honestly feel like a jerk by doing those. I can't stop thinking of him.. I don't know what to do.. but please just come back..

I said something stupid and offended himgeneral advice

Hi, everyone I met this really nice person on Reddit, and I really like him, because he's treating me really nice and he's really kind. For some reasons, he calms me down and having his companies is the best thing in 2022.

But today when we were talking, I accidentally said something bad.. He was being sincere and intimate, but I was too stupid and trying to be weirdly playful, so I said something like "if you don't, the others will. keep that in mind", I regretted it the moment I sent this msg... and realized what I said was inappropriate.... we stopped talking and seemed that he's blocked me. because I'm not able to view his page anymore.

I really want to explain to him, and tell him that I'm not someone who sleep with different people every day. I only want him and I only want to talk to him. I don't want things end in this way... This makes me feel really bad and sad.. It's actually very devastating, I feel like I'm a jerk(I did behave like one), I've been anxious for the whole day, I can't stop thinking of him..

I only wish I could turn back time and fix this problem. I want him to know he's important to me and I'm sorry. I feel like being drowned with negative feelings again. I can't do this anymore

please give me some advice

I said something stupid and seemed to offend himadvice

Hi, everyone

So I met this really nice person on Reddit, and I really like him, because he's treating me really nice and he's really kind.

But today when we were talking, I accidentally said something bad.. He was being sincere and intimate, but I was too stupid and trying to be weirdly playful, so I said something like "if you don't, the others will. keep that in mind", I regretted it the moment I sent this msg... and realized what I said was inappropriate.... now we stopped talking and maybe he's blocked me.. because I can't view his profile anymore.

I really want to explain to him, and tell him that I'm not someone who sleep with different people every day. I only want him and I want to talk to him. I don't want things end in this way... This makes me feel really bad and sad.. I'm anxious and I really want him to talk to me.

please give me some advice