
Guys they didnt forget about Kenta, its just that Kenta didnt deserve a tier

Talk to their higher ups if possible, id say talk to guidance maybe but they might be closed over the summer

I had a 72 in gr11 functions (was in ib), pulled my gr12 top 6 with calc & adv funcs to a ~97, and got into queens commerce

Once your top 6 for queens commerce is an 87+, its based on your supp app

They need unreal averages to get in.

?????? its marks-blind past 87%

Dont listen to what theyre saying, i dont know why theyd mess up a detail like that. Queens commerce is marks-blind past an 87% cutoff. Once you bave an 87+ your chances at admission are based on the supp app and luck.


Opposite, he just gave one of the biggest community jokes in the first half and then yapped about how hes a peer pressure victim 😂😂


I deadlift more than you that means id beat you

Nobody here can tell you if she will get in or not with a 99 avg and those ecs 😂💀

Shes a competitive applicant

I see, so no being a Harold Gunderson and forgetting to add a 0 😢😢😢

If its by a very small amount id try and prove to your current teachers for the courses in the top 6 if you deserve a 1-2% increase. If they say no or your marks are too low, ask the uni if you can do summer school to meet your conditionals. If nothing works then its over

2.3/10 ragebait, better grammar couldve gotten you to a 2.7 maybe

I looked over the handbook and did the g1 test app like 3 hours before my g1 test and aced it, youll be fine with just those two

Its extremely situational yeah, trying to force flexing your ecs into a question that doesnt even imply u need to is an easy way to get rejected

In my interview i so badly wanted to discuss a big ec for this one question but i had to hold it back cuz i recognized it just did not need it. Its why i always thought my supp app was mid until i got admitted because i didnt know how competitive my answer to a behavioral question was

Ecs are decent so far, ICDC would be a very very strong award, not as strong of an actual extracurricular unless you have enough to talk about in depth regarding ur VP role

Qcomm will be purely based on the interview, rotman wont allow you to talk about your ECs directly much, ivey aeo will need atleast low 90s as well. You should get into ivey aeo if your essays are refined and strong and you have low 90s minimum. This is coming from someone who got ivey aeo and qcomm

should be subject to rigour and scrutiny, so that injustice does not befall others, as well.

Bros barman

Interesting, i always heard people say how waterloo and uoft eng care about online courses

For what major? Something like sociology at utm or whatever is more lenient about those things than utsg cs id assume

Im gonna have 9 4U credits by the end of this year bro im chilling

Calc midterm was a 96, after one part of final evaluations and all tests since midterms its now a 72 😂😂😂