You have to file as non resident in IL and I believe most people get some back.

I would go to Detroit before Gary. Gary looks like a war zone you can find tons of videos on YouTube, search for abandoned cities + Gary Indiana.

I've seen 711s that sell gas, there's one in Homewood/flossmooor that does.

Casey's too. They dominate small towns and are in an expansion phase and hitting higher traffic/bigger cities.

It might have been an old Bucky's, which was usually co-branded with mobil gas. I believe Casey's acquired them and might be still transitioning the stations.

I would, and make sure you are getting some vitamins and/or electrolytes

I get headaches the next day, it's like a hangover without the drunkenness.

It's a dick move but not the end of the world. Like others have mentioned, get disposable stuff for those days and/or a portable or counter top dishwasher. We didn't have a dishwasher in our old house and I did dishes 3x per day. Now we have one in our new house but we pretty much only use it on weekends when my kids have friends over. It takes too long for a cycle, and with just 4 of us, it takes us two days to fill it and stuff gets stinky. So I still wind up washing them by hand 90% of the time.

It's also odd that he "got sick" from her food poisoning. That's not how food poisoning works, but that's how the mind works of someone who wants to place blame and be a victim.

My bad, misunderstood your comment. Thanks for clarifying!

If they actually charge the individual officers then that might make a difference in how cops behave. For now, when it's covered by taxpayers, they won't change.

Hon, schedule your abortion ASAP. This man will suck years of your life out of you and having a baby together will only make it worse for you.

First thing that popped in my head when I read this.

AARP has good discounts, were part of it because my husband got a free subscription many years ago.

Make sure you have a decent mattress and good shoes. Some aches and pains can be normal, sure but pain throughout the body I would try tracking if there's a cause.

Nta, your sister is. My sister has done this and she's almost 50. Like grow the fuck up already and work on your own miserable life instead of judging others.

This. After some nasty ankle rolls and a knee injury, just getting to the Dr sounds like a horrible task. My next house is a ranch.

I wholeheartedly agree most dentists are good and honest. And it's nice that you came here and suggested the dentek as a starter and I'm sure your patients have appreciated that over the years. My uncle was a dentist and did all our dental/Ortho work as kids. When he reduced his hours to start on a path to retirement, my sister started to see a new dentist. This new guy (also in Chicago, coincidentally) immediately recommended a night guard which was about $750 for her. So I hope OP tries your advice here on the dentek.

I'm female and agree with giving space. If I'm upset about something, I sometimes just need to process it on my own. If I discuss it with my husband and he starts suggesting things, or making it about him, it frustrates me and just makes it all worse. Sometimes just let people be, even if they don't specifically say it, pay attention to the non-verbal cues as well.

Fuuuccckkk his response so hard. As a tip though, try and cook enough for 2-3 nights so you don't have to cook every night (for yourself, he can figure his own dinner out).

My neighbors have a bright ass light that angles right at my bedroom. We have cordless cellular black out shades from home Depot.

Mouth guards are like the quick "drive the bill up" thing these days. Proceed with caution.

I'll share some positive news on this topic.

Amazon's building a data center near South Bend, which should create some tech jobs. So things are happening, but it's not overnight.

Amazon plans to build $11 billion data center complex near New Carlisle (