Never cheap out on power supply, and never mix cables for different power supplies should really be top level rules for builds. What's annoying is when prebuilts do that.

Gotta be honest. I don't recognize the name of the PSU. You have other name recognizable parts but not the PSU, so it's probably that. The PSU itself could even be perfectly cromulent, but if they cheaped out on wiring quality to all the components and board, things could have melted then arced and ignited. 

Overall  look up the parts number of each component and try to see if you can find low star reviews mentioning fire. Mainline components would have had headlines, which again points to the PSU.

This is kind of stupid take. Have photos of birds gone up? 

Do you know how wildlife photographers work? They basically stalk the animals for weeks to get the shots. Do you know how sports, automotive and and jet photography works? The Camera person knows exactly where the event is going to happen and is there taking rapid photos. 

Go outside and take a picture of the moon with your cell phone. It's tiny. Heck Samsung digitally replaced the moon to create images. 

Cell cameras are meant for near field photos. The sensors just aren't large enough, and the lenses just don't ha e the depth they'd need for long range photography. 

If you see something in the sky that lasts less than 10 seconds, you dint have time to reach for your phone. If youre walking through the woods a d encounter a larger random wild animal for 10 seconds you won't get images if it. A fantastic example is the camera crews from Top Gear/Grand Tour. They are absolute shit at wildlife videography on the fly.

The funny part about the 1950s was the Republican party was full of liberals. It was the Republican Appointed Republican Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who ruled that ended segregation and later Roe V Wade.


Dude the back half is like the start if a roller coaster where you're just slowly being lifted to the top of the coaster, and each Jordan book is just this slow climb further and further up, and then Sanderson gets to take all that pent up energy and really take you for a ride. It's extremely satisfying, even though in first read through I didn't remember all the plot points that were being resolved.

This only matters for publicly traded companies. There's plenty of large corporations that are privately owned who still sort of screw their employees, but they are also faster to correct it.

I mean, they could always contact him, ask for some of his game saves, and load them on different builds to test it.

If you wish to pursuade a force user anything, tell them to "search their feelings". 

Like Skywalker reflexively throws his lightsaber away everytime he confronts a Palpatine.

And it wasn't his fault. He's a stupid Hollywood actor used to handling props and doing what other people tell him to do on set. Absolutely charge him with manslaughter, have him pay the estate. In 5 years he's back to playing business men and never plays a role with a gun again.

Honestly I don't support or agree with her, but if she wrote an adult Harry Potter magical detective novel, I would absolutely buy it so long as she kept her TERFness out of it. 

Granted her children series features a woman magically  kidnapping and raping a man as the origin story of the villain.


Like seriously, she didn't have much of a career besides playing burly women in action movies in a way that tried to be more inclusive. Strong female Characters don't literally need to be physically strong, they need to be compelling characters. And she doesn't have that on screen Charisma.

She was never going to successfully lead her own spin off show, if anything Timothy Olyphant should have reprised his eternal role as a gunslinger and lead that potential series.

What's interesting was the female lead who played Clark's GF was the one who introduced her to the cult. She left the cult before it went full crazy.

Is it weird I Recognized him from Ocean's 11 and Family Man?

Hey it worked for Jenner after she killed someone with her car.

Bush had some decent speeches after 9/11 the differentiated the hatred of the terrorists from the wider Muslim community... And then the FBI started surveilling the entire Muslim community.

She may not care that much about the game. 

Also it's sort of amazing Mr Weasley got 8 tickets in the top box, for a minor favor. Like the Malfohs had to make a sizeable donation to get their's, and Arthur just reduced the charges on someone. Like corruption is extremely rampant in the Wizarding world. But Arthur is treated like a hero for his exploiting the system and the Malfoys are treated like villains in that exchange.

Less so plot holes and moreso just logical consistency and world building. Things take as jokes have world changing implications. A great example: love potions are sold in joke shops. The plot literally involves a witch using a love potion to kidnap and rape a muggle man and have his son. The potion wasn't some deep dark potion, it was literally just available in stores. 

Basically if there was a magical serial killer a ducting, torturing, murdering, and preserving muggles, they could basically get away with it indefinitely, and it's all demonstrated throughout the book. Crouch Jr kills his father and transfigurrs the body and hides it, and none of the talented wizards who search the area find it. Heck  Junior impersonated a well known wizard for almost a year. 

And that doesn't even get started and the inconsistent use of Muggle Technologies. You have the Hogwarts express, and radios, and apparently bathrooms were added to the school later, but they still use quills not pens and pencils and scrolls of parchment instead of paper, but book bags are common. Speaking if the Hogwarts express, when was it introduced? Like before then, did students have to travel directly to school, wouldn't that be much more efficient anyway than a train? As it is a student from Hogsmeade presumably would need to travel down to London to catch the train. Students from Scotland have to. And how would Pureblood families tolerate the inclusion of Muggle devices like trains? Let alone designing to mingle with muggles to arrive to the platform in a Muggle station. If they can apparate to the platform, they could apparate to the Hogsmeade platform as well. Also with the extendable charm, why do people even bother with school trunks in the first place?

As for actual plot holes, so many of them are caused by idiotic adults just to make a room for the idiotic kid logic choices. Great example is neither of the Weasley parents waiting on one side of the platform barrier to ensure all the kids made it through, especially sense one of the most famous children in the Wizarding world is left alone. 

Finally, why does Harry ever travel with Hedwig? Like I can understand year 1, he's a newb. But after year one, literally every place he goes to besides the Dursleys has a place for owls. He should have a magically collapsible cage, and send Hedwig to whatever destination. This is true for every journey too and from Hogwarts, (he can tell her to stay at Hogwarts an extra day before joining him at the Dursleys). This is especially true on leaving the Dursleys in the 7th book. Just have her take a letter to the Weasleys the day before the journey. And again there no need for trunks for that final flight.

Not OP but introducing magic that messes with time and then just dropping it and later destroying the source breaks any kind of consistent logic   Also it's stated there's several students who get 12 Owls, implying a full class load, but Hermione had to get special dispensation to take all 12 classes seems a bit odd. Students take classes as part of their houses, so figuring out a schedule one calendar year means you've figured out schedules for all calendar years.

Sooo many very evil people. Conversely soo many great people die too young.

In the state if Texas, you can fish without a license on ponds and lakes bounded entirely within private property, or entirely within state parks. The tricky bit is rivers and the gulf.

The issue is when plants self propogate. Like your fields are in the middle of 4 neighbors who all use the prantented crop. The pollen and such from their crops can infect your crop so now you have the patented genes. 

Iirc some cases farmers were trying to reach around and other cases the company in question bought the infected crop and destroyed it.

Booby traps endanger rescue workers. So not only are you endangering other people, you're specifically endangering people who risk their lives to save others.