Terrance is still going to be spitting this nonsense without Joe Rogan. The difference is, as Ejack1212 is saying, that there is an educated person here to counter the bs. I know I never would have understood how batshit crazy this guy is until this podcast, and it is truly interesting to watch someone that delusional. The fact that people will follow this nonsense is a whole other failure of society, not Joes in this situation.

That was a awful application anyways. The scarring and splotchy parts are tell tale of not a good execution.

They absolutely leave swirl marks and will give micro(or macro) scratches all over the place. Darker cars are worse, but it happens to all.

More power to you if your life is one that would allow that sort of limitation...

seems the easiest way for them to fleece you is to be a known actor. I got played by a "reputable guy" that my family realtor deals with all the time, saw me coming. By the time I shopped around it was basically too late. shop around!

I used Bee Moving, provided by add-on with Uhaul truck. They were awesome! 2 bd 2 bth to a 3bd house, $200. Cant recommend them enough.

do you really think white males have it any better in healthcare? crazy answer, we dont. weird right? its healthcare that sucks, entirely

sandblasting. I had a whole entire fireplace wall and planter that I just got done. Messy, but well worth it

That grip strength on the a-pillar!

az foundation solutions. awful. scared the heck out of me, but the structural engineer was well worth it. Stamped for any future concern.

I mean, that's nice and all to have a view from the top like that! For the majority of people, especially first time home buyers like OP, not sure how that view is helpful in anyway. The issue isn't really the actual process, but the bullshit that lenders do to the buyers to con them out of every dollar possible. Doing the same with mine right now as well. They are scam artists hoping for people to be complacent and just accept the number goulash they are providing. But hey, you are right. Everything is usuallly easier when you dont need others.

Just went through this. Quoted 61k by a local place (that has tons of advertising in google $$), got a structural engineer out and he gave the complete pass on the house. Stamped and approved for $750. Crazy difference. He was laughing at the company that quoted that. Scammy for sure.

regular ego driven left lane behavior. smh

I am with you. The only part is, when I am done passing I get back over to the right regardless if there are other cars around or not, cause I am not trying to be hypocritical about the situation and it is also my way of leading by example to the stupid people that act like videos OP.

Dumb, but also why is the camera guy sitting there camping in the lane? If you are not actively passing you need to be in the right lane. Guy in the gray car, just an idiot.

Looks like fun except for the probable outcome.

Did you have your account signed in previously? Does Sony show you the serial online in regards to what your account was attached to? It is still a crap shoot since you don't have it logged, but at least for yourself you could be assured.