I was also thinking about getting a pocket guide. I don’t have enough experience with either yet to know if it’s overkill, but it seems like a nice thing to have for a quick refresher

This is literally OCD, and you should seek help from a professional.

Oh and as people have said, they put it horizontally

Boyfriend’s parents redid the kitchen in almost the exact same colors and looked at the exact same tile. They went with the fish scale shaped tile after I mentioned that the glass tile was busier and also would date itself faster than the stone tiles. It matches perfectly and everyone has commented how they were the exact right pick

If the hobby is models like rc planes or cars, trains etc, nip that shit right in the bud. My dad comes from a long line of modelers and it only escalates from there.

Where’d you find ones with flowers?!! Is it the DSM 5 or revised? Because it seems like revised have less options

Update in case this helps anyone in the future: I have picked two to that I will compare in person. I mainly just couldn’t decide on the color organization. But they both had a balance of the things that I was looking for: more muted colors, good quality tabs, more detailed labeling, clear color coding per section, and a well organized reference chart. I’m not sure why one has the little boxes around some sub sections on the reference sheet have little boxes around them



I mean yeah it’s not that deep and they’re re the same but I’ve been reading some reviews that say certain ones are not labeled that practically in use or don’t hold up well so wanted to see if there was any insider tips

I was looking at those! The ones I ended up ordering to compare in person are very similar. And I’m a visual learner so flipping through the tabs will definitely help me get the structure of the book down quicker

I did find a free pdf I’ll definitely use, however I have concerns about being able to use digital within some parts of my program. I may be limited especially in my second year if I’m doing my internship in the on campus wellness center but I’m not sure. I also of course love the idea of digital and do use an iPad, but I seem to learn best with a physical copy in front of me

Okay I looked at those! This one actually influenced the ones I picked- very similar setup and color organization but more muted colors. I got these two to compare in person: https://a.co/d/08Tjbo1k



So my friend suggested taking the free pdf of the dsm 5 tr that I found in a different sub and having it printed/ bound this way at staples or something. I’d have to also invest in a cover because I ruin spiral binding but I’m seriously considering. I just haven’t looked into how much it would cost- I’d figure decent enough paper to last and about 1300 pages of it could add up but I can’t imagine it being close to the cost of a new

This is the practical way to do it, however not only am I anal about presentation, but also really good at destroying things lol. Post it notes wouldn’t stand a chance. Would be more effort keeping them in place and untorn

Is no one going to point out the fact that you literally cheated on your fiancée??? Regardless of whether or not the sti came from that encounter or not, I’m sure the fact that she has it only compounds the pain she feels from knowing her boyfriend who committed to marrying her after being together for 4 years just went out and had his dick sucked by a coworker for shits and giggles. Gross. She has every right to leave you

Wow thank you so much for this insight! This really helps to have a general feel for all they key players and how they relate

WOWWW that’s so cool!! Wait okay I’ll probably get hate for this but….theres another private aerospace company now also doing launches?? I’m completely out of the loop and just assume they’re all space x

I second all of this and especially adding vitamin D and iron!! I had similar symptoms from low vitamin d

This is a friends house I’ve been pet sitting for for about 9 months while he is out of the country. I don’t rent or live permanently here, but also can’t leave

So would you say the outdoor humidity was high? We aren’t far from the ocean so it would make send but this area is more inland and doesn’t typically get that marine layer so between that and the clear hot weather I’d be surprised for it to be high

Thank you! I’ll pick a gauge up today and although I may have to await the homeowner for dehumidifiers, I have been putting my large air filters on high as well as the ac fan which seem to help. I can tell the difference in my own home when I use the filters because I get dry