When they do, the 1 billion kids gonna have a good time in PZ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

You can easily solve the size issue with galvanized steel bars and eco friendly wood veneers πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

My tip to you, play simple heroes, if you're playing support, look on how to play treant protector position 4 and 5, at the start of the game buy orb of venom, then complete magic wand and tranquil boots, at minute 15 buy aghanim shard and after that get a blink dagger and you're golden for the rest of the game πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

It depends how you play, can be ez or hard based on what you want to achieve in the game...

Kenshi, if you get knocked out near a slaver, they will patch you up and take you back to their camp to be sold as a slave, if you attack major factions or commit crime in their territory you can be imprisoned...

My build use to be about the same as this, but I added my own flair to the equipment selection, try this one out and see what you feel you can improve to it...


If you play the Sims, you would probably like rimworld, on lower difficulty it's just a more hardcore Sims, and if you like BG3, give the dragon age series a try... Kenshi is a pretty decent open world sandbox too if you can accept it's kinda dated graphics...

Outward chest can possibly store unlimited materials and equipment, food and edible organics rot tho, but if you play on PC u can use debug mode to turn that off... There's cooking, crafting, alchemy and material gathering in the game too...

Dragon age franchise

Β Dragons dogma

Β Final fantasyΒ franchise

Β Dragon quest franchise

Β Elder scrolls franchise

I do this, if I see sign of toxicity or idiocy, muted the dude and reported for grief, and continue focusing on my gameplay...

It gets too boring using it after a while, I just let all chat in, and if people proof themselves to be an idiot I just mute and report them for grief now...

Try outward definitive edition, it's kinda hardcore tho so have fun πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Just play the game bro, make mistakes and learn from them, wiki and YouTube is there if you want to make your life easier πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

There are 2 chakram attacks that don't need breakthrough point in order to use it, and blood infuse is skill you gain from new sirocco if your faction is blue chamber...

Spam normal attack and puncture until I run out of stamina, then swap to chakram and use up all my mana, I don't really need to def because most thing do 1 damage melee attacking me, elemental damage does 0 and with blood infuse I heal back any damage everytime I hit them πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I'm using one of this lantern, guess which πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄


Neither, a sword on one hand and a lantern in my off hand πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I have 100 defense to all element using this method...

If you want strongest tank build, the one I'm using is taking breakthrough points in rune mage, cabal hermit and warrior monk... I personally don't like spell blade, but some people enjoy it, so it depends...

I think this build probably would work for you, as you get more accustomed to the game you can add your own twist to thing, but for now just try build other people already made https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=osJBmHPqCEw&t=299s&pp=ygUSQm9vbSBzd29yZCBvdXR3YXJk

Anything is possible in outward, but pistol in outward is a one shot weapon, meaning after shooting once you need to reload to fire again... Now you can cheese it by preloading the guns and putting them in your quick slot to fire up to a max of 8 pistols using this method, but that isn't really a beginner thing to do... Gun in outward is kinda underwhelming as an off hand for me personally, chakram and dagger have much better damage in general, and chakram probably the best offhand in the game damage wise...

I like to have as many colonist as possible too, but past 50 pawns FPS start tanking, and it gets worst when you get raided by 100 robot (the small one with shotgun)... alternative is playing dwarf fortress, I can have up to 350 dwarf with no problem, issue is the game is bug ridden and UI is horrid πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Most of this is not an issue for me, but devour not providing armor anymore is kinda MF dumb, that shit made me strong AF in offlane versus any kind of core...