You've been through a lot for sure but whether you realize it or not, you seem to be taking it all in stride. Just keep your head up and keep pushing through all the bullshit like a bulldozer. Don't let these little hiccups knock you off your path. Stay the course and you'll get through it and it'll all work out for the best in the end!!

Air Force Veteran :rsz_us_air_force__emblem:

Absolutely I will do so and please do the same. Thank you.

Air Force Veteran :rsz_us_air_force__emblem:

Same here. Nothing so far. This is beyond ridiculous.

Air Force Veteran :rsz_us_air_force__emblem:

Already tried that. The VA insists that they sent the funds to the Treasury on the 18th and my bank says they haven't received anything for my deposit so it's stuck somewhere in limbo with the Treasury and there's nothing I can do but wait and see if it shows up by Monday night and if not then I can call and they will try to trace it then.

Anyone with go2bank that hasn't received their VA benefits yet??VA Disability Claims :claim:

And before anyone starts saying, "It doesn't come until the first," I already know this but go2bank usually pays out 4-5 days early so that should've been on Monday or Tuesday that it would've posted but I've seen nothing so far. I'd just like to know if anyone else is having the same issue. TIA!!

UPDATE!!!!!! I did finally receive my dd around 2am CST. Thanks everyone that made an effort to help or at least ease my mind. Y'all are great!!!

Air Force Veteran :rsz_us_air_force__emblem:

Filed claim in Jan 2023, had c&p June 2023, approved July 2023.

Same here. I was told it could be any time between now and Friday.

Air Force Veteran :rsz_us_air_force__emblem:

Thank yo funmarzipan At least someone understands that I was just asking a simple question. I appreciate your help.

Air Force Veteran :rsz_us_air_force__emblem:

Read the post. It plainly says EARLY PAY BANKS. If that's not you then just move along and mind your business. Thank you.

Nope and I'm pissed about it. I've called the bank and the VA both but no help at all. Bank doesn't have it, VA says it's pending but no more info

Air Force Veteran :rsz_us_air_force__emblem:

And your name definitely doesn't suit you bc you seem to spit nothing but bullshit, SON.

Air Force Veteran :rsz_us_air_force__emblem:

I appreciate the sentiment but I don't have a hooker, dealer, or baby mama. I do however have an elderly mother living with me who has numerous medical issues and noone to depend on but me to help her so check your facts before you decide to land on someone's post being a smartass.

Air Force Veteran :rsz_us_air_force__emblem:

Yes it does. Tysm!!

Air Force Veteran :rsz_us_air_force__emblem:

Thank you!! That eases my mind some. At least it isn't just me. Lol

July paymentMoney Matters :dollar_sign_black:

Anyone else who has an early pay bank that hasn't received July's payment yet?? I go by chimes early pay calendar and it has always been right on time with my bank but I'm still showing nothing so far and it should have been paid out yesterday. Just looking for reassurance that it's not just me experiencing this.

Same here in Alabama. 2:36 pm CST and nothing yet. Will update.

You win. You definitely win. I just spat my sweet tea right in my 65 year old mother's face and simultaneously got my jaws jacked while laughing until I literally fell out of my chair onto the floor!! You are my absolute hero!! I'm dead AF!!! 🀣🀣🀣

Air Force Veteran :rsz_us_air_force__emblem:

Same here. Mine always comes between 1049 and 1114 every month but nothing so far.

Air Force Veteran :rsz_us_air_force__emblem:


Try getting anyone to believe that there's a specific need for twin service giraffes. The lengths a vet must go to are nothing short of a miracle. πŸ™πŸ˜‰πŸ€£