To be honest I think if I saw an artist called The Mighty Micropenis I’d HAVE to listen to what that artist is putting out so that might be a bad example haha

Doesn’t matter to me, your name could be “The Mighty Micropenis” if the music is good I’ll listen.

Good luck, you are trapping sound waves in a room if you do, waking up your family if you don’t. Get a good pair of headphones and a subpac if you are working late at night.

Yeah they also need to pin character models that can be used over in different scenes which it doesn’t do yet but still exciting times

Nah! I’d just do it! You will regret not doing it later in life!

Sadly yes but the latest cableguys plug in so fun!

But I surely wouldn’t fork out for the latest 1176 emulation.

Ah, I mean yes and no.. there are super cool 3rd party plug ins that are awesome (cableguys/sound toys/melodyne) that the stock Ableton plugins aren’t on the same level but yes the value of learning the stock to max potential is invaluable.

Who doesn’t rate her strong? Are there people saying she’s not? Clearly you don’t know the meaning of the word, she’s not underrated, everyone that has a basic understanding of the game can span divine shields get one card out of tier 5 and finish top 3.

lol you raging idiot yes I know there is a script that gives you some functionality with Ableton but you can get much even more from it with the controller editor software you are clearly oblivious too, go do your homework before you start talking crap.

This is my kind of joke, you are going to get me cancelled

lol whiners, contracts that get done easily over the course of 10 games are somehow a problem. Go play CoD.

If it sounds good.. I think generally I’d be experimenting with the elements higher in the frequency range but add it till it sounds good then bring it back a little.

But the amount of money you are paying for ultimate 😬

Yeah admittedly some their sampled instruments are good, I rarely reach for anything else really. Massive nah, serum/pigments/even stock wavetable in Ableton is better, fx plugins are meh compared to sound toys, rc24 and raum are probably their stronger plugins.

Yeah Serum is leaps and bounds better, I kinda like Ableton’s wavetable too, easy to get great sounds out of it without the learning curve required for Serum.

And yes used it beyond the basic functionality down to mapping cc controls, sorry but it’s just sub standard as an Ableton controller. Fun groove box though.