College professor here and yes! I embrace AI in so many different ways, it's better to get familiar with it than ban it outright lol

And even if she was on metformin, wouldn't she need to have doctor visits and prescription is she paying for all this

So like does she go to the doctor and pay cash? Or is she paying for a premium and co-pay? She'll never address so we can speculate wildly for fun!

It still amazes me that for someone with diabetes, she never includes medical costs in her "budgets" - doesn't she need insulin, testing equipment, etc? Maybe she's still on that fake Christian healthcare plan - but even then, wasn't there a premium?

I read her posts purely for entertainment purposes at this point. I kinda wish she did marry that guy in jail because the content would just be SO unhinged lol

How is "paying everything at the beginning of the month and not having money at the end of the month" a LESSON?! This is basic mathematics and physics. Also classic Hope for posting Oct 2023 totals when it's now April 2024 lol

And I bet she'll pay for her trip AND the tiny house "with points"!!!

Oh, I just saw this after posting the above. Exactly!!! It's all about the perception of HER which is narcissistic. The text to her kids about thanking someone else for doing yard work tells you all you need to know about her character. (I know she claims it was a joke, but ain't nobody here laughing)

I agree, she is very manipulative, selfish, and immature, at least from what glimpse I can see in her blog posts. She frames everything (adopting both children and dogs, giving Beauty a place to live, buying Princes a car) as her being the savior. She has no business being on a blog about personal finance lol (although we love to see it)

I thought she hated yard work but loves gardening?! Let's not forget that recently she celebrated free food from her dead neighbor.

Is she a sincerely good person though?

Can't wait until she claims she paid it with "points" - girl how do you have these endless points when you can't even pay your bills? The math doesn't math. You need a LOT of points to redeem for things nowadays.

That text was so telling, she has serious psychological issues as a parent. Still expecting her ADULT SONS to thank someone else for taking care of HER lawn?! Why did she buy a single family home with a yard, in a rural area, if she doesn't like yard work?

And doesn't she have diabetes? How is she managing it without spending a dime on healthcare as her budget/posts reveal? It's so infuriating lol

So what is she doing with her other 20 hours per week...

Oh you mean the mysterious/fake/nonexistent Christian health insurance plan she goes through?

She's talking about wishing for $200,000 or a million and I'm like girl you should be praying for at least $20k

Don't worry, she has her "ideal budget pie in the sky" or whatever buzzword of the week helps her ignore reality. As a rhetorician, it's been fascinating to look at the language she uses.

Oh Hope - It's surprising to see the Sam's credit card being over the limit, I thought she only spends $100 a month on groceries? And just got that free food from her dead neighbor? Does she realize that after taxes her $6000 will really only cover her past due mortgage and past due insurance. And she thinks she's gonna pay the personal loans back at $500/month? Every day it's something crazy and revealing with her!

"I didn't add any debt, but I did get a fridge full of food from my dead neighbor!" GIRL WHAT is going on.

Hope didn't include her mortgage (maybe I missed it?) - didn't she have to do a modification which probably increases her debt load? She won't do a simple budget which is bizarre. You couldn't pay your mortgage and had to ask your dad to fix your heating yet you somehow imagine paying your mortgage for the rest of the year with CONTRACT work?! Delusional.

Every time she says "hit the ground running!" and "pound the pavement", I chuckle. Girl, wake up.

I hope it works out for her, but if history has taught us anything, it's that in 6 months she will have another round of baffling posts like this, peppered with "I'm ready to pound the pavement!"